BHS Corrugated (CONT’D FROM PAGE 14)
BHS Corrugated. We thank Ken for his years of service and wish him well. Brad Johnson recently retired from BHS the end of Oc- tober 2022. He enjoyed a long and successful career at BHS and within the corrugated industry. Brad started his career with The Langston Corporation and came to BHS Corrugated in 2000. Brad was the sales professional re- spected by colleagues and customers alike. We wish Brad well in his retirement. Pat Ciambruschini retired from BHS at the end of 2022 after 26 years of service. Pat joined BHS Corrugated in early 1997 after working several years with The Langston Corporation and prior to that, Koppers. He was first em- ployed as Sales Manager and in 2002 assumed the role of V.P. Sales & Marketing for BHS North America. Pat was a key part of the transformation of BHS from the original office on Lord Baltimore Drive to our first expansion to our previous location on Yellow Brick Road. He witnessed BHS Corrugated North America grow from eight people to the thriving organization it is today. We are sad to know that Pat will not be working with us on a daily basis, but we are excited for him and his wife Kathy as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. “I want to thank our retirees for their years of loyal ser- vice to the company and look forward to working with our new sales leaders for many years to come,” said Grdinich.
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