King's Business - 1943-06


Plan a Summer Class. . . ...U SIN G MOODY SCRIPTURE TRUTH COURSE Fascinating, simplified studies of the great truths of God’s Word .. . ideal course to use for Daily Vacttfion Bible School or a special summer class -in your church. Why not give your young people the opportunity of spiritual enrichment through such a class? The Moody plan provides textbooks, grading examinations, and diplomas. Half price to members of a class of to or more... free enrollment to leader. Send today for details. Address Dept. K- 8 3 2

For The YOUNG BOY Stony Brook, widely known for the excellence of its education for boys of high school age, is now available for young boys beginning with the fifth grade. Many parents feel that in wartime a boarding school offers unusual oppor­ tunities for a young boy. Frequently homes are disrupted because the fath­ ers are in government service, and oc­ casionally mothers as well as fathers are engaged in war activities. In many cases the transportation to the local day schools is more difficult. At Stony Brook a young boy finds a homelike atmosphere awaiting him. He lives in a dormitory with other young boys under the care of a ma­ ture, e x p e r i e n c e d housemother. Health, happiness, good habits, sound character, and the principles of Chris­ tian living—all these are em­ phasized as a part of the program for the young boy' at Stony Brook. For more information, about Stony Brook School, address the Headmaster. tonyffrookJchool "Frank E. Gaebelein, LIW.l).. Headmaster, Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Please mention King’s Business Ónde* SONG BOOKS A Paper ¡s being rationed. The ' supply of song books is j limited. Write for catalog, i * _ . . ^ 119 NINTH STREET Rodehesver Hall-Mack Co. w in o n a l a k e , in d .

THE ALCOHOL QUESTION, by Norma C. Brown. Twelve chapters under three general head­ ings: (1) The Problem Analyzed; (2) Attempted Solutions; and (3) The Road Ahead. Treatment is scholarly, practical, inspiring; for young people and adults; valuable as textbook, general reading, library use. 116 pages; cloth $1.50, paper $1.00. OTHER TEMPERANCE BOOKS Standard knows the church plays a vital part in teaching temperance, and as part of its complete service offers many pamphlets, pledges, and books for all ages. Chief among them are: MY PALACE, by Louise M. O¿levee. For teachers of Primary and Junior grades. 40 pages; paper 25c. EDUCATE FOR TOTAL ABSTINENCE, by Ada Rose Demerest. Complete Handbook for leaders and teachers of Junior grade and up. Endorsed by WCTU. 94 pages; cloth $1.00; paper 60c. TEMPERANCE DAY BOOK No. 1, by Roscoe Gilmore Stott. Sketches, drills, recitations, read­ ings, etc. 48 pages, heavy paper binding, 35c.


Order from your bookstore, or ad­ dress our Desk—KB-6.

The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cullar Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio

CHINAWANTS BIBLES A s Well as Bombers! In China there is widespread hunger for the Word of God. Printing plants have been bombed. Trans­ portation systems have broken down. Many have no money to buy. Yet the American Bible Society carries on, supplying Scriptures wherever possible in spite of difficulty, peril and cost. For never before in the long history of Christian work in China has the need—and the opportunity— been so great. Youcanhelp carryforward thisgreatwork— and provide peace and security for yourself —through the purchase of an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement. Send for the in­ teresting booklet “A Gift That Lives!’ Learn howyou are entitled to certain tax exemptions —how you can give and receive generously at the same time! ' FILL IN AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-34 entitled “ A Gift That Lives!’ □ I enclose $.., provide Scriptures for China. Name...~ ..................................................................— ..........— --------- Address ............................;............................................................-............— City ...................,,, ............... State ............................ Am erican B ib le Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y.

A year’s subscription to THE KING’S B U S I N E S S makes an appropriate graduation gift for a friend.

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