King's Business - 1943-06



what she had done, adding, ‘Now I want to do the things that please Jesus. I won’t call you names any more or say things that hurt/” * * * Asj? Miss Lucy was finishing the story,* the rear door opened and two grown-up visitors came in. They topk seats in the back of. the room, but the children were so interested in the | story that they did not notice them. Miss Lucy continued, “The Lord Jesus is here this afternoon just as certainly as He was in the church services that Marion and Jimmy at­ tended. If He is knocking at the door of your heart, kneel by your chair and give Him an invitation to come into your. heart to •live—to forgive your sins, and to cleanse you and give you power to live every day for Him.” Betty was the first to pray. Aloud she said, “Dear Jesus, I know You want to come into my heart, and I want You very much. Forgive my sins and make Your home within me, for I love You. You will help me to obey You. Show Benny and Mother, too, how 'to open the door for You. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.” ■'All was quiet for a moment before Benny prayed, “Dear Jesus, forgive me, too. Come into my heart — and into Mother’s heart, just like Betty said. - Please do.” When Betty and Benny had finished praying, Miss Lucy said, “While our two little friends were giving Jesus an invitation to come into their hearts, I arh sure many others of you were doing the same thing. We can be heard by our heavenly Father even if . we do not speak aloud. All who. have opened the door and feel satisfied may stand.” As Betty was getting up from be­ side her chair, she looked straight at the man and the Woman who had slipped into the meeting. Suddenly she grabbed Benny’s hand, and as the two ran toward the visitors, Betty ex­ claimed, "It’s Grandpa and Grandma Craig; they have come for us.” “Yes, indeed,” replied the grandpar­ ents as they took the children into their arms. “We have come for you and for your mother, too. We want to take you home with us, where we can help you as you let the Lord Jesus live in your hearts.” Benny squeezed Grandfather Craig’s hand hard. “You know,” he said, “I thought nothing nice ever would hap­ pen to us any more. I said so to Betty. But here we’ve had a party—and you got our letter and came for us—and best of all, we have the Lord Jesus in our hearts!” Grandfather Craig looked down and smiled.-“Yes, sonny, I know,” he said. “And the Lord Jesus who brought all these . good- things to you today can do something lovely for your mother, too. We must pray that she,: too, will open the door of her heart to Him.”

“No, Jim, no dirt, not anything that’s bad; only lovely things aré there. Best of all, Jesús is there.” She continued by telling Jimmie that Jesus had loved him enough to die so that he could go to that beau­ tiful city. “But,” she said, “no one can go there unless he has let Jesus come into his heart. Jesus said, ‘Be­ hold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear, my voice; and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.’ He also said, ‘Though your sins be as scarlet [no matter how bad they [ Continued on Pape 237] Here’i Your Answer Here are the answers which belong in the blanks found in the May “Search the Scriptures” puzzle. 1. Joseph, good, just. 2. Pilate. 3. Nicodemus. 4. First, Mary Magdalene. 5. Simon Peter, s e p u l c h r e , linen clothes. 6. Glad. s i Answers to Jumbled Names The following are the answer^ to the Jumbled Names which appeared in the last issue: 1. Jochebed (Moses, Mi r i a m , Aaron). 2. Hannah (Samuel), , 3. Sarah (Isaac). 4. Eve (Cain, Abel). * 5. Eunice (Timothy). 6. Mary (the Lord Jesus). 7. Elisabeth (John the Baptist). 8. Rachel (Joseph, Benjamin). 9. Rebekah (Jacob). 10. Lois (Eunice). Memory Work I “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, ** and today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8). E “Even Christ pleased not himself” *“ (Rom. 15:3), S "Sir, we would see Jesus” (John 12:21).^ [ I “Unto you is born this day in the ^ city of David a Saviour, which is Christ'thè Lord” (Lk. 2 :ll ), Q . “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, ** and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt.- 6:33). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To. become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel accord­ ing to John, using either your own. Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the (gospel has been read and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Juni.or King's Busi­ ness, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. -Sun­ day-school classes or clubsdesiring to order tensor more Gospels or pins may wish to sha**re the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs; Gospels, postpaid, five cents each —in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King's Busi­ ness, 558 S. Hope S4., Los Angelas, Calif.


Jimmie’s mother opened the door. “How do you do,” Miss June said pleasantly. “I’m the Sunday-school teacher from the Children’s Mission. I’d like to take your little boy to Sunday-school next Sunday.” “Come in!” said the mother. It was not a pretty room, for this family was poor and lived in one of the poorest sections of a large city. - Six-year-old Jimmie did not look up. He continued coloring the pictures in his paint book. “My, how nicely you color!” ex­ claimed' Miss June. The boy’s eyes lit up as he heard this praise, but darkened again when his mother said, “That’s all he does— paint and draw. He’s the stubbornest, meanest boy.” “Oh, I’m sure he’s not so very bad,” answered Miss June. Then, speaking directly to the little 'artist, “Would you like to come to Sunday-school with me, and see the pictures we have there, and hear, some really true stories from the Bible?” she asked smilingly, “No! No, I wouldn’t,” he answered. “See—what did I tell you?” cried his mother. “Didn’t I say he was stubborn and mean?” Miss June saw right away that there, was not anything she could say that would help, but she could pray for them, and the Lord could reach their hearts. Giving Jimmie a little story paper from Sunday-school, she bid them both good-by. . The next Saturday, Miss June visited this, home again. She was met at the door by Jimmie’s mother, just a? she had been before. Th,e mother^ said gruffly, “I told Jimmie that his Dad would beat him if he didn’t go to Sunday-school tomorrow.” “Oh, I’m sorry you ,did that!” ex­ claimed Miss June. “But I’m not going,” Jimmie put in. “I’m tough and I’m my own boss.” Miss June looked at the little boy kindly. “ I brought my feltograph .notebook with pretty pictures in' it—” He seemed pleased. They looked at the pictures and Miss June told a Bible story. As she finished, .she ex­ plained that the Lord Jesus loves every one—Jimmy in particular. “Why, He loves you so much,” she said, “that He has made a beautiful city called heaven where you may go some day. Heaven has streets of gold and—” “No dirt on ’em?” Jimmie inter­ rupted. As he said this, both he and Miss June looked out on the filthy street below. *A graduate of the Biple Institute of Los An- geles and a worker among children. She is now teaching at the Denver Bible Institute .



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