King's Business - 1943-06


hovah, 4n taking this .name for Him­ self, “was furnishing His people with a blank check, to be filled in to any amount. He calls Himself I AM« and faith has but to write over against that ineffably precious name what- ever is needed.” The God with such’ a name as this could surely undergird Moses for his difficult task in Egypt. He was equal to the deliverance of Israel from bondage. He is sufficient for /the need of every child of God at any time or place. 2. “The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations" (v. 15). Not only has God been faithful to Israel in the dawn of their history, but He is to be their God forever, Scattered over the earth though they may be today, yet God- has not cast them away (Rom. 11:2). Jehovah is just as much Israel’s God now as when He visited them in Egypt. He who blessed them, in the past will bless them again in the future. \ 3. “And Moses said • . , I am not eloquent" (Ex. 4:10). Men never lack for excuses when they do not want' to do the thing God wants them to do. M o s e s complained - of slowness of speech. But it is interesting to turn to Acts 7‘:22, and read that before this 'time when Moses was in Egypt he was “mighty in words.” Many times Chris­ tians hide behind an excuse when God calls them to speak to the un­ saved about their salvation. God did not accept Moses’ ,excuse. He told him to fulfill his task .with the promise that He would give him proper words to speak. God does not call His serv­ ants to a task without giving them the ability to accomplish the task. Golden Text Illustration E xo du s 3:12 I once crossed the Atlantic in late December. We had been shut down in the cabin for several days, but one afternoon . . . I scrambled up to the slippery, solitary decks. . . . There was not a human being that I could see on deck, and one never felt more acutely the sense of absolute loneliness. . . . Just as I was about to turn to go down to the warmly lighted cabin, suddenly upon the rag­ ged edge of the horizon I saw the BLACKBOARD LESSON

simply-doing what God told him to do. The Way of blessirig is ever simple obedience to the commands of the Lord. III. T h e S u f f ic ie n c y for M oses (4:10-17) . Mosses .was not yet ready to go and do exactly what the Lord wanted. He hesitated, perhaps from fear or d is-, like. Whatever the restraiht Was, it was embraced in self-consciousness. Moses offered the objection that he was not eloquent—as though his elo­ quence could be the moving power for Pharaoh, or the people! Even if he had been able to make a most eloquent speech, it would have had no effect upon the Pharaoh of. Egypt who was ready to defy, not only Moses the man, but also the living God of whom Moses was the servant. But God continued to encourage him by reminding ‘ him that all man’s .physical powers had been made by God, and that He who made them could control an’d use them for His glory. Moses need have no hesitancy; God would be with his mouth, teach him what to say, and give him ability to say it. Moses still was reluctant to go. This time he made a n o t h e r objection, which in reality was near blasphemy. He said (as one marginal reference has it): “Send . . . by the hand of him thou shouldest send,” as though he would instruct the living God what to do. Once more God was patient with him by giving Aaron, Moses’ brother, to be the mouthpiece (vs. 14-17). This help of Aaron actually was no help at all. Instead of speaking to the people directly, Moses would speak to Aaron, and Aaron would repeat what Moses said. Attempts to improve upon God’s way are always folly. Points and Problems 1. "What is his name?” (Ex. 3:13). In response to the question of Moses as to the name he should' use for God as he went down into Egypt, God told him to use thé name, “I AM." This was the most comprehensive of all God’s names. In this name .there is a length, a breadth, a height, a depth, which passes all understanding. It is the name signifying God as the self-existent, independent, eternal, in­ comparable One. The only one with whom God can be compared is Him­ self and so His fuller name is “ I AM THAT I AM.” It was Jesu? who made clear the meaning'of the great’words “ I AM.” Listen to Him as (recorded in John’s Gospel), He says, “Before Abraham was I am"; "I am the,bread of life” ; "I am the door of the sheep” ; "I am the light of the world” ; "I am the good shepherd” ; "I am the resurrection and the life” ; "I am the true vine.” Je­

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