King's Business - 1943-06



blindly attempts to increase Its In­ come by the very thing that syphons off the earnings of the ‘people. It is reported that in 1939, the people of this country spent 750 millions of dollars for new homes. In the same year, in three states alone—New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey—the direct cost of alcoholic drinks was a billion dollars! In the fiscal year of 1940-41, the spending for legal liquor alone is conservatively estimated as between 3% and 4% billion dollars. When to these figures there is added the costs of maintenance of police and law courts, of jails and hospi­ tals, to say nothing of loss of life and property by accidents caused di­ rectly through the use of liquor, it seems monumental folly to suppose that there is any value in the liquor traffic. .The Christian will take the Bible’s orders and warnings to heart and refuse to have any part whatever in such traffic. III. T he S piritual C ost (1 Cor. 6:9-11) First, “ drunkards” are among those who shall hot “ inherit the kingdom of God.” So accustomed have people become to the presence of the liquor traffic that e v e n Christian people sometimes look upon it as a neces­ sary evil, as they call it. But nothing, however widely accepted and con­ doned, can be necessary when it leads to the soul’s being robbed of eternal life. Second, drunkenness brings one in­ to association with adulterers, idola­ ters, and those who cohimit crimes of the most debasing kind. God puts drunkenness alongside all these other fearful things. Third, drunkenness need not con­ tinue. Thanks be to God, while one may have sunk to the very lowest depths, he need not remain there, as the experience of the Corinthians proved. Simple faith in Jesus Christ is the door into the kingdom, and it is open to all. Walking in obedience to the Word of God, one is freed from the physical, economic, and spiritual evils of liquor. Points and Problems 1. In the Proverbs passage (23:20, 21), the emphasis is upon poverty hs a tremendous cost of drunken­ ness. Drunkenness brings its victim „ BLACKBOARD LESSON 'KnOUi 4E OOT THAT THE UDRIOHTEOUS SHALL DOT ICHERIT THE KinoDOITI Of Û0D’ • . I rAo a * a r.

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Cutline and Exposition ’ I. ~ $§ . .... T he P hysical C ost (Deut. 21:18-21) S OD knew the ruinous effects of wellbeing of the nation and make the riation ah easy prey to any en­ emy. Hence the teaching was given that the home, the heart of any na­ tion; must be protected and parents must be instructed to bring up their children to shun the evils of drunk-1 enness. Instead of obeying the commands of God, we openly disobey* as is re­ vealed by an editorial in “Brewers’ Digest” for May, 1941, which stated: “One of the finest things that could have happened to the Brewing Indus­ try was the insistence by high-rank­ ing officers to make beer available at Army Camps. . . Here is a chance for brewers to cultivate a taste for beer in millions of young men. . .” The taste for strong drink is not nat­ ural to humans; it must be cultivated. When objections are made to the severity of God’s command, we re­ member that an evil which threatens ruin to the whole bo fly, needs severe measures. A surgeon does not hesi­ tate to remove a malignant growth from a hUman body in order to pre­ serve that body, even though harsh and severe methods must be used. Dr. Winifred Overholser, superintend­ ent of St. Elizabeth’s H o s p i t a l of Washington, D. C„ has declared “ al­ coholism . . . the greatest public health problem at the present time.” II. T he E conomic C ost (P rov . 23:20, 21) In this passage, riotous living and drunkenness are again brought to­ gether, with the added word that these bring poverty—the word indicating economic poverty. Innumerable in­ stances might be Cited where the truth of this passage has been ful­ filled literally. In spite of this fact, however, our nation closes its eyes to' the terrific drain that is being made on national wealth as a result nf +hp widespread sale of liquor, and

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drunkenness u p o n national life. To permit it to continue would be to weaken the physical

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