Juna 1943
to rags and hunger. But even more tragic is its effect upon others; little children are deprived of the neces sities of life, mothers grow prema turely old seeking to keep starva tion from the door, aged parents are robbed of the comforts of life in their declining years. Drink leads to im poverishment of body and soul. 2. In the Deuteronomy passage (21:18-21), death is seen as a cost of drunkenness. In the extreme case of a stubborn and rebellious son who persistently refused to heed the chas tisements of his parents regarding his gluttony and drunkenness, the son was taken, after parental con sent, to the elders of the city who saw to it that he was stoned to death. While there is no such law against drinking today, we know that premature death is a frequent result of drinking. Untold millions of years have been cut off the lives of men through the centuries as the result of drink. Drinking breaks down the metabolism of the body, undermining its functions, and thereby rendering the victims r e a d y subjects ,to all manner of disease. 3. In the First Corinthian passage (6:9, 10), hell is seen as the ultimate * dreadful cost of drunkenness. “Nor drunkards . . . shall inherit the king dom of God” (v. 10). Destruction of the soul is a sure result of persist ent following after the things of the flesh. 4. "And such were some of you: but ye are washed . . . sanctified . . justified" (1 Cor. 6:11). This is the sinner’s hope, t h e h o p e of every drunkard. When the guilty soul turns to Christ he becomes “washed” in the blood of the Lamb. He is ' also "sanctified” which means that on the ground of the finished work of Cal vary he is set apart from sin unto God, and holy living bpgins in his life. Sanctification is in three tenses. The past tense is taught in this pas sage. A person is sanctified imme diately upon becoming a Christian. In this sense all Christians are saints. There is also a present process of sanctification going on in the lives of believers through the instrumen tality of the Word of God. This phase of sanctification results in separa tion from a sinful walk. Sanctifica tion will' be consummated at the coming of Christ when the believer will be separated from a sinful na ture and a sinful world. Id the third place, he Is “justified.” In Christ, God no longer has anything against the believing sinner. Golden Text Illustration 1 »C o r in t h ia n s 6 :9 Some years ago, the following card, made out as a blotter and signed by $ ’ dozen grocery firms of Delaware, Ohio, was scattered: “Any one who drinks three glasses of whiskey a day
for one year and pays ten cents a drink for it, can have in exchange at any of the firms whose names ap- pear on this card, three barrels of flour, twenty bushels of potatoes, two hundred pounds of granulated sugar, one barrel of crackers, one pound of pepper, two pounds of tea, fifty pounds of butter, ten pounds of cheese, twen ty-five pounds of coffee, ten pounds of candy, three dozen cans of tomatoes, ten dozen oranges, ten dozen bana nas, two dozen cans of corn, eighteen boxes of matches, half a bushel' of beans, one hundred cakes of soap, and twelve packages of rolled oats— for the same money, and get $13.50 premium for making the change in
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