King's Business - 1943-06



his expenditures.” The r e c o r d s of court rooms prove that in the end strong drink and an ample food sup­ ply are never found together. Like­ wise God’s Word states that thè ’ ’un­ righteous shall not inherit thè-, king­ dom of God.”—Adapted from The Pres­ byterian of the South. Paul's Happy Day 1 C o r in t h ia n s 6:9-11; A cts 9:1-9 MEMORY VERSE: ‘‘Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive” , (Psa. 86:5). APPROACH: Have you ever gone on a trip when you weren’t glad at

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flask-shaped bottle filled with vine­ gar, some rags, a narrow white rib­ bon, a white cardboard heart, a yel­ low piece of cárdboard cut in the shape of a book, a red cardboard cross, and several diamond-shaped piecés of paper of various colors. (The jewel boxes can be made from cardboard and decorated with col­ ored paper, or they can be purchased at a novelty store. String the black heart, cigarette, bottle, and rags' on the black ribbon, and place in one of the boxes. Let a little of the rib­ bon stick out from under the lid of the box. String the other objects on the white' ribbon in the order men­ tioned, leaving the diamond-shaped papers flying at "the end in the man­ ner of a kite tail. Put these in the other box, leaving some of the white ribbon sticking out.) LESSON: I brought a pair of twins with me this morning. They look ex­ actly alike, but they are far from be ing the same. Here they are—Bob and Bill Box. Can you notice any difference in them? - “They have different colors of rib- bdn sticking out under the lid.” You are correct. This is the only difference in their outward appear­ ance. When the Lord .Jesús was here on earth, He said that you could tell the condition of a person’s heart by the words which came out of the mouth. He said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” By looking at the ribbons which come out of the “mouth” of these boxes, you can tell the color of the heart on the inside. See! Bob has a black heart, the same color as the ribbon When boys and girls have unclean words, it is because the heart is un­ clean. Look! A cigarette follows the black heart. It’s only an imitation ciga­ rette. Next is a bottle, representing whiskey. Rags follow the bottle, for the drunkard will come to rags. That I which comes out of Bill’s mouth is clean, and his heart is clean, too. Bill has the Word of God. Following this is a red cross, speak­ ing of the blood of Christ. The one who takes Christ as Saviour will have peace and happiness, just dfc Bill has this long string of beautiful papers following the cross. It is far better-to haye Christ with peace and happi­ ness than it is to have whiskey fol­ lowed by rags.

the start, b u t as you w e n t alohg you found t h e r e were s u r p r i s e s t h a t m a d e you happy? Paul (who had the name of Saul then) had a trip like that. LESSON STORY: Paul was very un­ happy, because his


Correspondence Course ( Faringrfy entitled, Supple­ mental- Bible Course) THIS UNIQUE COURSE though designed especially for children1, will also be found most profitable to the adult. The studies are non-sectarian and will be found of service in all evangelical churches. As a m e a n s of interesting young believbrs in real definite Bible study, we have never seen its equal. ; ' ENROLL N OW . . . 14 Lessons No Examinations’ FEE * 1 0 0 Upon completion a certificate is granted, if the standards are met. Get your children started in this course and see how inter­ ested they immediately become in the study of God’s-Word. An excellent study for Sunday afternoons and rainy days. Workers among children can­ not afford to be without t h i s most valuable course. Correspondence School The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Inc.

5 -Division heart was filled

with angry thoughts. %He wanted to put all the people in prison who loved and trusted the Lord Jesus! He had not seen Jesus—just as we have not seen Him—but he- could . love Him, just as we do. But he didn’t The Lord Jesus wanted—oh, so very much—that Paul should l o v e and trust Him. This Is what happened. As angry Paul was trudging along the road, suddenly a bright light shone from heaven. Paul heard a voice calling him by n ame , and though nobody told him, he knew that the risen Lord Jesus was speak­ ing to him. He answered, ‘‘Who art thou, Lord?” Then the Voice answered some­ thing like this: “I am Jesus, the One the Christians 1o v e, the One who loves you, the One you are trying to hurt.” Paul understood. He had b e e n wrong in trying to hurt / the Chris­ tians. He knew that he should love,, the Lord Jesus with all his heart and be ready to s e r v e Hi m. These thoughts were in his mind for three whole days, because during that /time he was not able to see anything. Paul was ready to say “Yes” to anything. Jesus asked him to do. The Lord forgave all his bad deeds, and made him one of the greatest preach­ ers and missionaries who eves lived. Ever after that,. Paul was glad for the day when the Lord helped him to understand how much He loved him. Jesus wants us to understand His love for us, too, so that we, like Paul, may have truly ' happy days. Object Lesson T h e B ox B rothers OBJECTS: Two jewel boxes, a nar­ row black ribbon, a black cardboard heart, an imitation cigarette,„ a small

558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.


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