June 1943
Velma B. Pickett
Evelyn Reeves
Homer A. Kent
NOTES on Christian Endeavor FOR YOUNG PEOPLE
For Those Who Have Topics I. BY MANIFESTING CHR I S T I AN LOVE (vs. 9, 10). The word “ dissimulation” m e a n s hypocrisy. Among cfiristiaiis there is no room for insincere love. There should always be an earnest desire for the welfare and blessing of every member of the body of Christ. A deep love ought to be manifested toward all the children of God, coupled by a profound compassion for a lost world. II. BY OUR ATTITUDE TOWARD SIN AND RIGHTEOUSNESS (v. 9). Since we are members of the same
body, what affects nne member affects all. An infected tooth will make the whole physical body misérable. ; A healthy blood count ministers vitally to every part of the body. In the spir itual realm, we must remember that no one lives to himself. Whatever good or ill we do, directly or indirectly, af fects every member of the body of Christ (Rom. 14:7). Therefore with what concern should we give ourselves to the business of hating sin and lov ing righteousness! III. BY D I L I G E NC E IN SERVICE . (V. 11). There is no room for indolence in
DEMOCRACY ? R omans 12:9-18 By Homer A. Kent Introduction
N The Fourth of July, the day that commemorates our independence as a nation, is a good time for us to think upon the form of government which has blessed our lives; namely, democ racy. Democracy is that form of gov ernment administered or controlled by all the people collectively, with a voice and a vote possible to every citizen. Abraham Lincoln said that it is government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Under a dictatorship, one man gains control of the government, and dictates its pro gram and policies. In an absolute monarchy, the power of control is vested in an hereditary king. In America, we are grateful ior our history as a democracy. The people themselves have had a part in shap ing the course and form of their gov ernment. This procedure fosters lib erty of life and conscience. It ennobles and dignifies the individual. It makes every person a responsible agent. The principle of democracy easily carries into the work of the church. Every believer is a distant member of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-31). Each member has a particular minis try to perform. There is no human head. Christ is the Head and every member is to be subservient to His will. Every member is responsible to contribute to the spiritual welfare of all.
The Writers
Bir. Kent (Biola ’18) is Professor in the Department of Church History and Practical Theology at Grace Theological Semi nary, Winona Lake, Indiana. Mr. Wall (Biola ’21) is the pastor, of the Immanuel Bible i Church of Santa Monica, Calif., and the minister at the Doug las Aircraft Company, Inc., located in the same city. Miss Piakett (Biola ’43) is a graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles where she was actively engaged in the University Bible Club work among students on. the campus. Miss Reeves (Biola ’36) is a teacher of Euodia Clubs for junior high and high school girls, and Eteri Clubs for young women of college and business age in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
July 11— PETER F. WALL
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