June 1943
unnecessary, or put on one. side. Let Him take the command, and stand beside Him, and carry out His orders, and you will find rest in your souls. —Alexander Maclaren. 8. Rest in Love “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God” (Heb. 4*9). Lord, I believe a rest remains To all Thy people known; A rest'where pure enjoyment reigns, And Thou art loved alone. A rest, where all our soul’s desire Is fixed on things above ;^-' Where fear and sin and griefrexpire, Cast out by perfect love;’' ; “ " Oh ihat I now the rest might know, Believe, and enter in! Now, Saviour, now the power bestow, And let me cease from. sin.' Remove this hardness from my heart, This unbelief remove; 1 To me the rest of faith impart, The Sabbath of Thy love.' —Charles Wesley. 9. Wholehearted Giving “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, d o ,all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:3l). He can use the talents and culture of a Paul, if Paul has bMjg&rucified with Christ, though often speaks by an u n le t tH ^ ^ H B at a Pentecost. He can usjflH^HHBi of a David when there is ffn flH iflB en ess of heart to thank his aJSB «p p ra ise His glorious Name, excHjjBp^V'Both riches and honorcome , . . and of thine own have';w^lvjm$hee.n But oftentimes His ¡works are wrought by thoge w j^ g a n ex claim, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give- I —J. Hudson-Taylor. 10. In His Name - “Hitherto have ye asked-nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your jo£ may be full” (John 16: 24). If we come as “ in Christ,” wrapping up our feeble prayers in His all- pre vailing mediation, presenting our peti tions in His merits, not our own; that is coming in His Name. We ask the Father to tfeat our prayers as if they were His; and His prayers are always answered. We use His Ntftne as being His representatives. He gives us this right! But great privileges, great rights, carry with them great.respon sibilities; and we can only truly pray in His Name, so far as we live in His Name.— The Christian. 11. He Giveth Quietness “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” (Isa. 30:15). Many Christians spend their lives in
DAILY Devot ional Read ing s
5. For His Name's Sake “For whosoever will save his life shall lose iti but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it” (Lk. 9:24). Surrender to Christ means ’ letting Christ run our lives: it means placing our future and all our powers in His charge. But He is Hi'mself the motive of the thing He seeks. The actual im pulse, the inspiring passion that makes the offer of our lives possible, is the doing of it “for Jesus’ sake.” That was the motive -of all Paul’s life and action, all his sacrifice and self- effacement; for Christ'S sake he counted all things but Iloss; for Christ’s sake he endured all manner of persecution, and trial; fof Christ’s sake he accounted death as a light thing, that he might finish his course with joy.—John MacBeath. Preparing for His Coming “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:11). There is no mockery more sad and inconsistent than that of believing and speaking of the Blessed Hope with folded hands and selfish heart. No man can rightly believe in the coming of Jesus without expending all the strength of his being in preparing for \it by sending the gospel to all na tions. God is summoning those who hold this hope today to a great mis sionary crusade, and there are enough to make it effectual before the close of the generation.—A. B. Simpson. Beside the Pilot “ If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine” (John 7:17). Trust in Christ brings peace amid outward sorrows and conflicts. When the pilot comes on board, the captain does not leave the bridge, but stands- by the pilot’s side. His responsibilities are past, but his duties are not over. And when Christ comes, into my heart, my effort, my judgment, are not made 6. 7, „
1. Listening in Prayer “I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up: holy hands, without wrath, and doubting” (1 Tim. 2 : 8 ) . Speak to us, Lord, until pur hearts are melted To share in Thy compassion for the lost; Till our souls throb with burning intercession That they shall know Thy name, whate’Pr the cost. Speak to us, Lord, till shamed by Thy great giving, Our hands unclasp to set our treasures free; Our wills, our love, our dear ones, our possessions All gla'dly yielded, gracious Lord, to Thee. —Selected. 2. Time for Decision ‘‘He led them on safely, so that they feared hot” (Psa. 78:53). The enemy always wants you to be in a great hurry in deciding a matter, and tries to condemn you for any delay. On the other hand, the Lord always gives you time to think it over and then come to a decision. . . . As a general thing the enemy will try to make you act upon impulses, where as the Lord will always giye you plenty of time to know His will. , —George P. Pardington. 3. Promise for the Storm “The clouds are the dust of his feet” (Nahum 1:3). Cloudy days are when God is near- ,est. On earth we see the gloom; the angels on the other side see the glory; To man it mfeans frustration, to the angels it spells fruition. What a thought! God is passing by! Why then should we fear the stQrm? As a Puritan once spoke, “He that counts the very hairs of our head must needs take care of the head.” The ■clouds are the trail of His triumph. —Leonard Harris. 4. Wholehearted Prayer “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our- hearts sprinkled from an evil con science, and our bodies washed with pure water” (Heb. 10:22). When thou prayest, rather let thy heart be without words than thy words Without heart. Prayer will make a man cease from sin or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer. Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice-to God and a scourge to Satan.—John Bunyan.
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