King's Business - 1943-06



=REDD THE BEST= i IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Send fpr our catalog of publications, and. • receive free booklet, also. WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO., Inc. Dr. H. A. Ironside, President 4719 Franklin. St. Oakland, Calif. RILEY-MOORE ENGRAVING CO. Cuts for' All Purposes • Half Tones # Line Etchings • Electrotypes • Designs Mail Inquiries Solicited 337 S. Los Angeles St. VAndlke 8937 Los Angeles, Calif. Your BEST Advertisement —of meetings, services, etc. for Churches. Classes, Societies or Persona) use. The little Monthly with a lot of power. Four pages of soul-saving, experiences and testimonies, articles and poems. Your Announcement im ­ printed—price ONLY $4.50 a thousand. Is­ sued monthly. Send for FREE sample^ en­ closing stamp for mailing. 35mm F I L M S L I D E S for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLS Fascinating mission stories for children. LIFE of CHRIST from Great Paintings. Illustrated Analytical Bible Study Films. Illustrated Hymns—Evangelistic Sermons. BOND SLIDE COMPANY, Dept. K 68 W. Washington St. Chicago, III. Homiletics and Evangelism Two companion courses o f 350 lessons each on “ The Art of Sermon Construction“ and “ The Art of Soul Winning.“ Start with the mind, reach the sensibilities, and get ac­ tion from the will. All 40 les­ sons and the Gospel Minister with weekly preachers* page for 26 issues for $1.50. Union Bible Seminary, Dept. 405A. Westfield, Ind. THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL Dr. Willard M. Aldrich, Editor P. O. Box IB Vancouver. Wash.

saint, lonely one! Saved by grace! Trust that grace; it floweth without measure and without end from Him, the living -One, Look to Him; trust Him! Sing it daily in sweetest melody in your heart: “The Lord liveth” ; and receive from Himself day by day the needed strength for the pilgrim journey, still left for thè saints of God. Let dark­ ness increase—it surely will. Meet it all, face it daily with this assuring fact: The Lord liveth! —A. C. Gaehelein. 28. Responsibility in Work “Workers together with him . . . in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God” (2 Cor. 6:1, 4). “ In due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9). The only responsibility you have in your service is to keep in living, con­ stant touch with God, and to see that you allow nothing to hinder your co­ operation with Him. We have no right to judge where we are to be pirt, to have preconceived notions as to what God is fitting us for. He engineers everything, and wherever He puts us the one great aim is to pour out a whole-hearted devotion to Him in that particular work.—Oswald Chambers. 29. God Still Speaks “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing' by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). God spoke a Word that met all claims, For every need sufficed: The spotless, living Word of God Was Jdsus Christ. God wrote a word that holds up Christ To all who come and look: And in the written Word of God We have the Book. Oh, lost one, turn from words of men And to God’s Word give heed: And, child of God, find pasture hère— Take time to read. —Helen Frazee-Bower. 30. Barter Joy for Sorrow “ Yea, brother, let me have joy of thee in the Lord: refresh my heart in Christ” (Philem. 2d, R. V.). Oh, the littleness, and the meanness of that sickly appetite for sympathy, which will not let us keep our sorrows to ourselves! Let us hide our pains and sorrows. But, while we hide them, let them also be spurs within us to urge us on to all manner of overflow­ ing kindness and sunny hUmof to those around us. When the very dark­ ness within us creates a sunshine around us, then has the Lord Jesus truly taken possession. —Frederick W. Faber. “Go bury thy sorrows, Let others be blest; Go give them the sunshine; Tell Jesus the rest.”

vine currency, which shall bear His likeness among men.—A. J. Gordon. 25. Our Best Blessings “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may ob­ tain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16). Take your difficulties to the throne of grace. Consider them in the light of God’s Word. Ask your delivering God to meet you in them, and show you Hi^ salvation. So will you come to know Him in a fashion that will fill your heart with joy unspeakable. The worth of your service is fixed by the measure of fellowship with Christ that it represents. Urgencies that drive you to God are among life’s best bless­ ings.— Spiritual Life. 26. The Channel of Faith "And he did not ‘ many mighty works there because of their unbelief” (Matt. 13:58). There is a condition upon our side for Christ’s doing mighty deeds for us, and that is that we be in an attitude of faith. Anything which hinders that faith hinders Christ’s work. If we are not looking to Him and trusting in Him, the channel through which His power flows to us is closed, and He is not able to help us, even though He longs to do so. But He is not able to help us because anxiety has throttled faith, along which alone God is able 1 to act in our behalf. —James H. McConkey. 27. Cause for Gladness “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am aliVe for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” (Rev. 1:18). Cheer up, desponding soul, downcast

Two New Books By Dan Gilbert "WHAT REALLY WENT WRONG AT PEARL HARBOR?” Contains these chapters: The Japs’ Secret Weapon; How the Devil Helped the Japs; Why Were We Caught by “Surprise” at Pearl Harbor?; Who Sabo­ taged America’s Defenses? Contains these chapters: Hell Over Hollywood; The Devil’s Playground; The Devil’s Work­ shop; The Hollywood Highway to Hell; Movieland’s Madhouse; Hollywood’s War Against Christian Americanism. Secure and Circulate these Awakening Books WHAT REALLY WENT WRONG AT PEARL HARBOR? HELL OVER HOLLYWOOD — THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MOVIES 25c each— plus 3c for postage THE DANIELLE PUBLISHERS 4766 Norma Drive San Diego, Calif. "HELL OVER HOLLYWOOD— The Truth About the Movies”

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