King's Business - 1943-06

June 1943-



The Multnomah School of the Bi­ ble, Portland,, Ore., announces the resignation of B. B. Sutcliffe from its Presidency, and the election of Wil­ lard M. Aldrich as his successor. Dr. Sutcliffe will continue to serve on the board of trustees of which he was elected chairman, and He is to carry oh his teaching. He èxpècts also to continue his writing in THE KING’S BUSINESS, a fact which will delight the:readers of this magazine. He also will engage in conference work. Dr. Aldrich will be installed at the fifth annual commencement of the school on May 21. He leaves the pas­ torate of the E m m a n u e 1 Baptist Church in Vancouver, Wash., but will continue the editorship of The Door' Joined in the Lord By Martha S. Hooker 1 joined in the Lord is an artistic booklet, appropriately bound in bridal white. It sefs forth the beautiful anal- ogy betweeri' earthly weddings and the union of the heavenly Bridegroom and His chosen Bride, the Church. Here is an,ideal gift for those whose wedding day is drawing near. The author’s ex 7 cellent choice of Scripture reveals how every detail leading up to this happy event foreshadows the heavenly rela­ tionships enjoyed by every redeemed member of the Body of Christ. 22 pages. Martha S. Hooker, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 50 cents. Focusing the Bible on Current , Problems By Erling C. Olsen The author of these pages is a busi­ ness man, facing the same perplexities that other business people are called upon to cope with these days. Hfe is, moreover, an earnest believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Word’ of God; and he shows in these pages wherein libs the only solution for to­ day’s vexing problems.'He writes with power and proves what he says. The messages were originally a series of radio broadcasts given over WMCA, New York City, and WIP, Philadelphia. Among the problems on which he focuses the light of the Word of God are; war, human government, fear/ the silence of God, Semitism, unan­ swered prayer, etc. It is a book to read for the enlarging of one’s own vision and to give with confidence to others groping for God’s light. 162 pages. Loizeaux Bros., New York, N. Y; Cloth. Price $1.25. '

step Evangel, which he started in 1938 as the pioneer, four-page gospel monthly In the field of neighborhood evangelism by local churches. Dr. Aldrich’s idea and paper have been copied by others, and now scores of thousands of homes are reached each month by a gospel paper. Dr. Aldrich is a native of Tacoma, Wash., and is a graduate of Wheaton College and Dallas Theological Sem­ inary. John G. Mitchell, widely beloved for his warm and vital presentation of Bible truths, will continue as vice- president of the Multnomah school and as teacher of Bible exposition and spiritual life.

Standard’s Closely Graded or Inter­ national Uniform Lessons and story papers are used in thousands of suc­ cessful schools. They’re True-to-the- Bible as God’s revealed word and applicable to everyday life, frpm Be­ ginner to Adult. Attractive colors used for children’s helps. Send for cata­ logue; free prospectus of Graded; or samples of Uniform Lessons and weekly papers. Please state which you want and mention department. Ad­ dress your letter to Desk KB 6 The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter, Streets, Cincinnati,; Ohio" THE GOSPEL SOWERS invite girls employed’-as domestic- help to the monthly meetings held every third Wednesday of the month a t /three o'clock until five. - rcS|8flB| . Wed., June I6tfy, Bible Institute 6th & Hope Sts., Los Angeles . Wed., July 21st, 42 W, Walnut St., Pasadena This* association is organized for the distribution of Bibles, Gospels and portions, to home and. for-*- eign mission fields, men rfnd women in the armed forces, hospitals, jails, etc: For further informa­ tion writ’e to . K^sl@awB GOSPEL SOWERS ASSOCIATION Np. 2 ï . W. C, A. Basadëna, Calif. Watch for the Special Features in the July Issue

Our Literature Table

This Critical Hour By Robert G. Lee

There are seven sermons herein, each of them presented with the spirit­ ual insight and appealing eloquence that have long characterized the writer. The titles include: “Blessed Believing and Sure Suffering,” <‘The Saving Name^of Jesus,” “The Justify­ ing and A'doring Name of Jesus,” “This Critical Hour,” and others. 146 pages. Zondervan Pub. flouse, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Sacrificial System of the Old Testament By Waltet C. Wright Difficult portions of the Old Testa­ ment are made clear by this* scholarly

36 , 000 C O P I E S S O L D IN 1942 Sugar Creek Gang books are moving thousands of children toward Christ! How the boys and girls love them— and ask for more! ORDER NOW! Sixth in the Series of The Sugar Creek Gang Stories “THE SUGAR CREEK GANG IN SCHOOL“ by PAUL HUTCHENS

Christian parents and educators everywhere appreciate the natural, unsophisticated and almost naive way the author has Injected a Christian atmosphere in this series of true-to-life adventure stories for boys and girls. . . . In this latest thriller about the Sugar Creek Gang, there is a lamb at schooj, a mysterious cave and a “ghost.” Dragonfly saw the ghost first; Big Jim wrestled with it in the dark, and the gang chased it through the woods and into the cave. . . . After that . . . 80 pages, illustrated jacket, price only 50c. All six titles in the Sugar Creek Gang series, post-paid, only $3.00. Ideal gifts for that growing boy or girl in your home or class. Order TODAY. Enclose money or request C.O.D. shipment plus postage. Ask for FREE illustrated list of 14 additional Christian novels by the same author.

Paul Hutchens, author, will autograph all copies ordered from —


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