King's Business - 1943-06



and spiritual presentation of truth. The typical significance of the taber­ nacle, the Israelitish priests, the many offerings, the day of atonement, and other ceremonies are discussed. The author has made excellent per­ sonal applications for the Christian today. The entire volume exalts the vicarious atonement of Christ. 175 pages. Union Gospel Press, Cleveland, Ohio. Cloth. Price $1.00. Rightly, the account of the raft ex­ periences of Captain Eddie Ricken- backer and his crew have been given wide publicity. The present narrative should have the same nation-wide reading. It is the record of a woman’s faith and courage during twenty days spent on a raft in the South Atlantic, told in language so restrained that it gives glory to God in every line. A lone woman missionary among four- >teen men, with four children to care for, Mrs. Ethel Bell suffered from sun­ burn, cold, and hunger, yet she gave simple gospel messages from Scripture drawn from memory, and was called upon to speak the last words over the bodies of two of their number who were buried at sea. It is a remark­ able account of God’s nearness to His own people. 125 pages. Evangelical Adrift By J. H. Hunter

Publishers, 156 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.00.

variety, make this a book to be en­ joyed repeatedly. 102 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. Spurgeon’s Sermon Illustrations Condensed and Edited by David Otis Fuller Arranged according to subject, here are illustrations taken from the ser­ mons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, often called “the prince of preachers.” The wise use of them would enrich any discourse. In addition to the il­ lustrations, there are forty-two pages of “short sayings” of Spurgeon—epi- gramatic utterances of unusual force­ fulness. In all, over 550 illustrations and quotations are furnished in this book. 144 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. Sermon Outlines and Illustrations Compiled and Edited by Theodore W. Engstrom Indexed according to subject and text, over 200 outlines and illustrations are presented in this book. The sources of individual quotations are indicated, so that the user may be led to a fuller treatment of the subject if he desires. 168 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00.

Nest Among the Stars By Louise Harrison McCraw

During his lifetime, the author was associated in work with the sweet- spirited James H. McConkey. He lives again in this narrative which she has written. The main characters are John Claiborne, a Writer of Scriptural books; Dan Elison, a young lawyer; Miriam Elliott, a beautiful Christian character; and Dorothea North, an accomplished musician. There is skillful handling of many of the perplexing situations that confront young people today. 230 pages. Zondervan Fub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. Commemorative of the fiftieth anni­ versary of the writer’s new birth, this collection of poems is added to the de-- votional books by which he is already well known. As would be expected from one who is both an eminent He­ brew scholar and a devoted Christian, the selections often deal with Israel:, her sufferings, her sin, and her future glory. There is tenderness and yearn­ ing in all the writing, which, coupled with excellent technique and pleasing Jubilee By Max I. Reich .

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES A Six Weeks’ Course— June 21 to July 30, 1943


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