King's Business - 1943-06

FILMSLIDES BOND SLIDE CO., 68 W . WASH INGTON St., Chicago, 111. Page 236.______ GOSPEL FILMS SCRIPTURES V ISUALIZED INSTITUTE, 325 W est Huron St., Chicago, 111. Page 232, GREETING CARDS SCRIPTURE GREETING CARD CO., BOX 522, Philadelphia, Pa. Page 235. ___________ HONOR RO L LS ____________ ROT.T. OF HONOR. CHANGEABLE L E T - TERS, 12 names $6.00 postpaid, circulars free. W illiam Filline, 3127 N. Kbstner Ave., Chicago, 111._____________ ___________ . _ . - YOUR CHURCH TOO, .A T SMALL COST, can dedicate a truly beautiful, dignified Roll of H onor plaque to pay tribute to mem ­ bers in the armed forces. Made in sizes which will accomm odate any number of nameplates w ith space for future additions. Additional names easily applied by anyone. Genuine solid walnut shields with fine cabi­ net finish. Appropriate heading inscriptions, including name o f your church, in simulated bronze effect. Names on attractive plates and embossed in genuine 23kt. gold cost only 50c each. You save much by buying directly from a manufacturer who has served churches in every state in the Union. Send for literature and prices today. IN ­ TERNATIONAL Bronze Tablet Co., Inc., 36 East 22nd St., New Y ork, N. Y. INSURANCE MINES, MacKEIGAN & H ILKER , 3757 W ilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 230. LANTERN SLIDES_____________ C.- W H ÏTF ÏË LD SIMS, 6176 MYOSOTIS St., L os Angeles, Calif. Page 235. MARKET RALPH S GROCERY COMPANY, LOS AN - geles, Calif. Page 237. _______ _ ; D u s s io n s AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO the Jews, Inc.. 31 Tbroop Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Contents page. RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC., 1844 W . Mbniroe St., Chicago, 111. Page 230. OPTOMETRIST DR FRANK H. GUERNSEY, 415 PARK Central Bldg., 412 W . Sixth St., L os An- geles, Calif. Page 234. PRINTERS— ENGRAVERS R ÏLEY-MOORE ENGRAVING CO., 337 S. Los Angeles St., L os Angeles, Calif. Page 236. J__________________ ________________ SHOE REPAIRING ERICK PETERSON . 730 W . SIXTH ST.. L os Angeles, Calif. Page 223. SUNDAY-SCHOOL SUPPLIES AMERICAN SUNDAY - SCHOOL UNION. 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Page 232. BEREAN BOOK ROOMS, 405 S. H ILL ST., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 221. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1507 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Page 231._______ THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, INC., 800 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Page 227._______ STANDARD PUBLISHING CO., 8TH AND Cutter Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Page 239. ______TRACTS___________________ FAITH , p r a y e r a n d t r a c t l e a g u e , Muskegon Heights, Mich. Page 226. _______ TRÂCT -O F -TH E -M ON TH CLUB, 322 W . W ashington, Chicago, 111. P age 226. LETOURNEAU EVANGELISTIC CENTER, 1270 Sixth Avenue, Suite 607E, New York, N. Y. Page 234. TÏTHER , 721 T ITLE INSURANCE BLDG.. L os Angeles, Calif. Page 234._______________ _ WANTED W AN TED FINANCIAL F IELD MAN FOR sound established work. National Gospel Printing Service. Alpine. N. Y.


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THE DAN IELLE PUBLISHERS, 4 7 6 6 Norma Drive, San Diego, Calif. Page 236. THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL, P. O. BOX 1-B, Vancouver, W ash. Page 236.___________ CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS FULTON BOOK SHOP, FULTON, ILL. Page 226.___________________________________ FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH PUBLISHERS, Findlay, Ohio. Page 224.___________ GOOD NEW S BOOK R O O M , BOX 383, George, Iowa. Page 239.__ NORTHERN B A P T 1 S T THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, 3040 W . W ashington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Page 235. SEEK, 322 W . WASH INGTON ST., CH I- cago, 111., Pages 221 and 223. SOUL W INNERS EXCHANGE, INC., 1147 E. W ilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. Page 228. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY, WESTFIELD , Ind. Page 236.______________________________ WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT CO., INC. 1719 Franklin St., Oakland, Calif. Page 236. ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE, 847 Ottawa Ave., N .W ., Grand Rapids, Mich. Page 231.______________________________ CHURCH MUSIC BOONE PUBLISHING CO., P.O. BOX 200. Des Moines, Iowa. Page 231. _ “ SONGS OF A CHRISTIAN ” RECENTLY' published—105 unique gospel song specials by Merrill Dunlop, noted organist and com ­ poser. Solos, duets, trios, quartets, radio and choir selections—plus 36 gospel chorus­ es. Price 50c ("W ire -O ,” 60c) postpaid. Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, 825 Barry Ave., Chicago.____________________ CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1507 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Pages 226 and 227. ' ______ ___ GORDON E. HOOKER, 558 S. HOPE ST., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 235. RODEHEAVEK H ALL -M ACK CO., 119 9th St,, W inona Lake, Ind. Inside front cover. TRUE L IFE L IBRARY , P. O. BOX 704-K, Holland, Mich. Page 239.______________ __ CHURCH SUPPLIES CEN TRAL BIBLE DEPOT, INC., 1249 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Pastor’s requi­ sites, second hand importations, church printing, tracts. Send for catalog. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS ATLANTA B IBLE INSTITUTE, 759 W ' Peachtree St., N. E. A tlanta, Ga. Page 235. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Pages 202, 228 and 240. __________ BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELAND . Tenn. B ack cover. FORT W AYN E B IBLE INSTITUTE, FORT W ayne, Ind. Page 237. MULTNOMAH SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE, 703 N. E. Multnomah, Portland, Ore. Page 232. STONY BROOK SCHOOL, LONG ISLAND,' N ew York. Inside front cover._____________ CONFERENCES MOUNT HERMON ASSOCIATION, MOUNT Hermon, Calif. Page 223. _______________ f_____ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOOKER’ S ELECTRIC SHOP, 700 W . Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 226.

AGENTS WANTED EARN BEAUTIFUL W H ITE TESTAMENT —Send name, address, and pastor’s name. W e mail 12 packets Scripture stationery. Sell 25c each. Send rem ittance and receive white Testament. Providence Press, 1218 Virginia, Sioux City, Iowa, SHEPHERD ’S TOWN CARD CO., BOX 66, Shepherdstown Pa., Page 232. ANNUITIES AMERICAN B I B L E SOCIETY, BIBLE House, New York, N. Y. Inside front cover. ASSISTANCE IN SACRED SONG WRITING CORRECT AND SING-ABLE MUSIC SET- TING for your hym n-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New booklet. Poetic Metre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond Iden, (K B ) Mount Vernon, Ohio. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CARLETON W . HOLBROOK, 1128 BLACK Bldg., 357 S. Hill St., Dos Angeles, Calif. Inside front cover. BANKING (SAVINGS) EQU ITABLE PLAN COMPANY, 8350 W il- shire Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. Page 234. BIBLES FA IVRE ANNOTATED N EW TE STA - ment, English 35 cts., French, German 45 cts. Bound copies 65 cents, Chinese 40 cts. A lice Fontannaz, 506 Oakdale Avenue, Chi­ cago,111.__ RELIGIOUS BOOK SHOP, 352 S. SPRING St., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 235.___ BOOK STORE LIBRAR IES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND Sets purchased for cash. W rite Baker’s Bookstore, 1019 W ealthy St., Grand Rapids, Mich. CA LL TO PRAYER PRAYING PEOPLE : JOIN US IN PRAYER. Interdenominational. Send postage to: The Praying Legion, B ox 101, Sta. D., Los A n­ geles, Calif. ________ ________________________ _ CARTOON TRACTS FOR S O L D I E R S AND EVERYBODY. Cards $1 per 1,000; Leaflets $1.50 per 1,000. Samples free. E. A. Marshall, 753 Fairview Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. CHO IR AND PULPIT GOWNS DeMOULIN BROS. & CO., 1126 S. 4TH ST., Greenville, 111. Page 234. __________________ CHRISTIAN ORGAN IZATIONS GOSPEL SOWERS, Y. W . C. A., PA SA - DENA, Calif. Page 239. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, INC. B ox BB, Eagle R ock Sta., L os Angeles, Calif. Pages 232 and 234.______ . ____________ BKXLA BOOK ROOM, 560 S. HOPE ST., Los Angeles, Calif. Pages 223, 225, 226, 234. CHRISTIAN W ITNESS TO ISRAEL, INC., 6704 Cedar A ve., Merchantville, N. J. Page 221 .

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