June 1943
On June 10, at the thirty-third an nual commencement of the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles, more than sixty young people are to be grad uated. Dr. Louis Evans is to be the commencement speaker.
Around The K ing 's Tab le
LOUIS T. TALBOT, EdItor-in-Chief
was opened on April 16, with more than 2,000 persons in attendance. A score of ministers, seven chaplains, and members of the Christian Busi ness Men’s Committees took part. In connection with this “home for men away from home,” there are facilities for reading, writing, games, music, swimming, and the serving of refresh ments, besides group gatherings for gospel meetings. The cooperation of near-by churches has been enthusias tic and helpful. There is opportunity for others to share in this ministry. 1 Will you not pray for this ar\d every similar work which extends Christ’s compassion t o . today’s multitude?— C.F.S. ■ ' He Found Christ It is a long time ago that the May, 1937, issue of this magazine was brought from the press. But one copy, at least, is still being used for the glory of the Lord, as was evidenced in a letter received from a sergeant ‘.‘somewhere in South America.” "Please send one copy of the May, 1937, issue to my wife,” he wrote, “I have a son just six months old, and I. want her to have the help of that is sue, \yhich I have before me, in bring ing him up in the right way. “ Just recently I came to know our • Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and am
ago that this magazine published an article entitled “A New Use for a Race Track,” in which attention was Called to the Christ-centered ministry of cer tain Japanese Christians, witnessing faithfully among their own people. Now the United States Government has converted this location 'to mili-' tary purposes, and Camp Santa Anita has become, in” size and importance, “the Aberdeen of the West.” Thou sands of men Will receive their train ing there, and to these thousands Christ’s own compassion is being ex tended through the Christian Service Organization whose building is locat ed within a hundred yards of the camp’s main entrance. Among those who have grasped this opportunity for winning men for Christ are Christian business men: Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Clifford F. Smith, Charles Cooper, William Litzenberg and Daw son Trotman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexander are directing this center. James McGinlay, formerly associated with work among service men at Fort Dix, N. J., is serving as Promotional Director in, the ministry to the spiritu ally hungry at Santa Anita. The Christian Service Organization
C. S. O. for "the Multitude” There wgre four thousand men, be sides women and children; and. Christ called them “a multitude" (Matt. 15: 32). ”1 have compassion on the multi tude,” He said. “I will not send them away fasting.” All through the years. His loving kindness has been extend ed, not only to individuals, but to the great masses of mankind as well. A “multitude” is now housed at Ar cadia, California, where Camp Santa Anita—one of the largest in the na tion—is located. It is a different “mul-' titude” from the ones that have gath ered there in other years. Before the war, thousands of pleasure-bent in dividuals traveled the short distance of sixteen miles from Los Angeles in order to observe or take part in the activities of the famed Santa Anita Race Track. In many an afternoon, as much as a million dollars would exchange hands. This “multitude” had little thought for Him, but Christ loved them. Following the events of Pearl Har bor, the race track and Its environs were used as' a camp for Japanese before their evacuation to more in land localities. It is less than a year
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