“If God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, it is but a temporary ex pedient; for -His permanent plan is to give the- lamb power to grow a thick coat of wool which will de fend him against the winter blasts. “ Our God could undoubtedly pro vide for us a life free from all these things, if this were His election; but rather He has chosen to permit to us the wonderful ministry of adverse environment in order to more fully endear. Himself unto us.” Children’s Seaside Mission Due to war conditions and beach regulations, p l a n s for the coming summer session of the Children’s Sea side Mission cannot be announced in detail as yet. But official permission .has. been given and the workers are preparing to go, as the. Lord opens the way. The Children’s Seaside Mission is a summertime ministry of evangelism and Bible teaching sponsored by the Bible, Institute of Los Angeles. For the past twelve years, the Lord has wonderfully blessed this work. Last ydar,.at least a hundred chil dren, young people, and adults gath ered daily on the sand during the ten days of meetings, and as a result many decisions for Christ were made. In fact, the Lord gave more souls in this ten-day period than in the,longer sessions of prewar years. Young peo ple’s services and adult Bible classes were held in addition to the meetings on the sand for the boys and girls. This work is carried on, for the most part, by Bible Institute students un der faculty direction, and the aim is to reach the vast number of .children on the beaches and their families for Christ. The prayerful i n t e r e s t of KING’S BUSINESS readers may be the means of winning many for Him. This Month: Pray for Canada The cover picture this month calls attention to Canada, our neighbor to the north. It would be impossible to list the many fine evangelical and evangelistic agencies at work in this great country. It is hoped that readers will pray unitedly this month for Can ada, its leaders and its citizenry, and. especially for those “ of the household of faith.” C. E. Convention With attention c e n t e r e d in the theme, “Have Faith in God,” over 4,500 enthusiastic young ,people were welcomed in the Church of the Open Door, May 14 to 16, for the fifty-first annual convention of Los Angeles County Christian Endeavor. Among the speakers at the meetings was Harold J. Ockenga, popular youth leader and pastor of Park Street Con gregational Church, Boston. . ,
now trying to show to my wife His blessed joy and peace that I have come to know. I was shown your magazine by one of those who is work ing for Him down here, and I like it so well that I want my family at home. to read it also. Enclosed find money - order to include two annual subsCrip- ? tions. Whatever extra is left over, use to some advantage in helping put out the magazine so that more y ill come- to realize the omnipotent, glorious, and inevitable King Of kings, nur God.” x r The copy which the 'sergeant, read was a Child Evangelism Number. It carried on the cover the appealing picture of a little boy, with this cap tion: “The man of tomorrow needs the Saviour today.” Thank God for the ever-living Re deemer who is able to gave to the uttermost all who come Unto God by Him (Heb. 7:25). May it be that some who read these | lines will place their faith for the first time in Him who said: “Verily, verily, I say unto you> He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). Christ for America If the great revivals under D. L. Moody could spring from that dread ful period of Civil War that engulfed the North and the South, may it not be that amid the horror of this pres ent conflict there shall be born a re vival of the church of Jesus Christ and a mighty ingathering of precious souls? Among the Lord’s people who have become "most keenly aroused to this need is the Russian Jewish lawyer, Hyman Appelman, whose evangelistic ministry has been nation-wide. Last year, in Philadelphia, the Lord al lowed him to be used in a campaign in which pastors and workers of over 200 churches had fellowship. There were 85,000 individuals by actual count who made up the congregations during the three weeks of meetings. Friends who remember Mr. Appel- man’s recent visit!to Los Angeles will know that the thousands who listened to him in Philadelphia received the pure Word of God, dynamically pro claimed. Hundreds were born again. Mr. Appelman is now one of the leaders in , a national evangelistic movement to be known as “ Christ for America,” which contemplates con secutive city-wide campaigns through out the nation, following the Phila delphia plan. Pray for him and for those associated with him. Plead with God also for a..great love for souls to be given to every member of the body of Christ—a love that will travail in prayer for their sakes.
Yes, It Was Late Last month, friends were surprised to find that copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS Which ordinarily are mailed frqpi Los' Angeles soon after the twen ty-fifth of each month, were late in arriving. The printing of that particu lar issue was not only completed on time, but ahead of schedule. However, a government order affecting the pro cess of binding was necessarily given priority over all other work. Delays of this kind cannot be foreseen or avoided. The Lord has been very good to us in making possible, the month-by month publication of this Bible Family Magazine. There have been severe tests, due to the scarcity of help and other difficulties of production. Is. not this a time for all of us to learn new lessons of patience and of "trust? The Ministry of Adverse Environment Writing of “the ministry of adverse environment," J. Wilbur Chapman ob served: i “.God could have kept Daniel out of the lions’ den, but instead He kept him in the lions’ den. God could have kept the Hebrew children out of the fiery furnace, but instead He per mitted the flames to burn off their fetters, and then He Himself came down and walked with them in the fire. He could have kfept Paul and Silas out of the, Philippian jail; but He elected rather to bless them in the jail until the prison became an Eben- ezer to their souls and they were the instrument in His hands of leading the jailer to the Light. “ God could have saved Peter from being cast into prison by Herod, but He wanted to teach the church that prayer was a powetful instrument in the hands of His children. “ God could translate all His saints, as He did Enoch and Elijah, so that they should not see death, but rather He has planned to walk with them through the valley of the shadow so that they will fear no evil, and to bring them from that deep depression on up to the mountains of everlasting bliss.
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