King's Business - 1943-06


Photo by Witzel

Does the Bible Institute Answer By SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND*

church, among whom were church o f­ ficials, •Sunday-school officers, teach­ ers, and young people’s leaders, and all were graduates or former students of this Bible Institute. Such a testi­ mony could be repeated many times by ministers who have received real benefit in their churches through In­ stitute graduates. Most of the graduates, however, de­ ceive the .vision of, and go into full­ time Christian service, and the reports that constantly come back to the In­ stitute testify to the fact that these graduates are rendering most effective and worthwhile service for our Lord Jesus Christ Specialization for Today For those who desire to obtain a de­ gree, three courses are provided which, in four years’ time, qualify one to be­ come quite expert in his chosen field. There are three such courses avail­ able: one leading to the Bachelor of Theology degree; another to the Bach­ elor of Christian Education degree, and the third to the Bachelor of Sa­ cred Music degree. The granting of these degrees has.beeh authorized by the State of California. Students who have been graduated from the Insti­ tute with these degrees are giving a good account of themselves in their chosen fields of service. In this age

the Institute was founded are the same, and as firmly held today as in any preceding time. The goal, the pur­ pose, the reason for the existence of the Institute are all unchanged. But the methods are different today, and the scope of training, of necessity, has been enlarged. In ieality, this Bible Institute today is a Bible university,1 developed to meet modern conditions. There are seven distinct courses of­ fered, four of which lead to diplomas and three lead to degrees. The di­ ploma courses offer a thorough and comprehensive three-year study in the v a r i o u s fields of Christian service. They are designed primarily for the layman who is desirous of obtaining a solid foundation of Bible study. The three-year courses offered are: the general Bible Course, the Missionary Course, the Music Course, and the Christian Education Course. Many stu­ dents who have taken these three-year courses go'back to their communities and carry on a work in their local churches much better equipped for having spent their time at the Insti­ tute in the mastering of God’s Word. A minister in Southern California re­ cently testified to the valuable influ­ ence of the Bible Institute qf Los An­ geles upon his particular church. He cited at least ten of the leaders of his

T T HAS been said that the day of I Bible Institutes is past. In view of JL the fact that this is an age of specialization, the g e n e r a l training which Bible Institutes have g i v e n heretofore needs to be enlarged to meet present-day needs. Therefore, young people should attend schools which are equipped to meet the chal­ lenge of this generation. • . This article has been prepared for the purpose of acquainting friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles with the comprehensiveness of its teach­ ing schedule, the v a r i e d types of courses offered, and the many avenues of Christian service which Institute students are prepared to enter. A Comprehensive Curriculum Today’s n e e d s differ from those which existed in the early period of Institute life. Today graduates must meet other young people, of whom a large percentage'have been educated in the art, science, philosophy, soci­ ology, and psychology of this present age. The curriculum of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles twenty-five years ago never would suffice for the needs of this present time. The Book is forever the same.. The message is identical. The principles upon which *Dean o f the Bible Institute'of Los Angeles .

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