APS Strategic Plan - February 2022

Attleboro Public Schools will:

1.C1 Provide resources to families to remove barriers to improve student attendance by enhancing support and monitoring systems.

1.C2 Create a student transition system that informs and guides placement of students across all grade span levels to ensure student success.

o Develop a transition program upon entry to each level: Kindergarten, middle school - grade five, high school - grade 9. o Expand guidance services to increase transition services and enhance college and career readiness of our students.

1.C3 Develop student digital learning portfolios connected to the Portrait of a Graduate at all levels.

1.C4 Expand our CTE programs based upon current market and economic trends and alternative education strategies that will respond to individual learning styles, keep students invested, and improve college and career opportunities for students.

1.C5 Engage students in a range of school and community service opportunities that promote career exploration and civic engagement.


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