APS Strategic Plan - February 2022

Strategic Planning Journey

APS began the strategic planning process in the Fall of 2019 with a representative body comprised of School Committee members,

administrators, teachers, staff, students, parents, and community leaders. The committee reexamined the district’s mission, v ision, and

essential beliefs and determined that they, indeed, should continue to be our “North Star” and guide the planning and

implementation of the next five-year strategic plan.

The Committee began the process by reviewing and discussing the progress made for the 2015-2020 strategic plan, Envisioning 2020.

Members engaged in conversations about the overall accomplishments and the objectives that are still in progress. The results from

the 2019 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion survey completed by students, educators, and families were also shared. An analysis of the

results focused our planning efforts on instructional climate, student support services, communication, and access to resources.

Common themes from a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis led the committee to develop three

goals centered on student learning, family and community engagement, and culturally responsive education. This process allowed us,

to celebrate the accomplishments that we have made in the last five years, closely examine where we are now, and engage in spirited

conversations about our needs and challenges.

Monthly meetings were conducted until March of 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the daily operation of the district,

including the completion of the final draft of the new plan for presentation to the School Committee in June of 2020. The school

closure resulted in a total shift in instruction and forced us to simultaneously learn how to utilize technology and engage students in

a virtual learning environment. Our students, families, and staff demonstrated their resiliency and flexibility throughout the year, as

the district transitioned between three modes of learning including hybrid, remote, and full in-person learning. Although the strategic

plan was not formally approved, many of the ideas, priorities, and goals discussed prior to the school closure remained in the

forefront of our planning and long-term decision making. It is for that reason that the plan began its unofficial implementation in the

face of one of the most tumultuous times in public education.


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