Harkness Place Oakville Design Guidelines

F A S C I A / G U T T E R S / D OWN P I P E S •  Fascia and gutter colours should match the colour of the roof material to emphasise the roof and eaves as a unified building element. • Downpipes should not be highlighted and should be coloured to blend in with the adjacent walls.

R O O F C O L O U R / M A T E R I A L

The roof must be constructed from either Colorbond or a low profile/flat roof tiles to ensure consistency and coherence throughout the development.

Recommended Metal Roof Colours

F A C E B R I C K Face brick must be smooth finish in a single colour.

Recommended Brick Colours and Finishes

Colorbond Monument

Colorbond Wallaby

Colorbond Ironstone

Colorbond Basalt

Colorbond Woodland Grey

Colorbond Jasper

Colorbond Gully

Colorbond Dune

Examples of Brick Colours and Finishes that are not permitted

Colorbond Surfmist

Colorbond Shale Grey

Colorbond Windspray

Recommended Tiled Roof Profiles and Colours

Blended or mottled patterned bricks and bricks with red tones are not permitted.

Boral Vogue Twillight

Boral Vogue or Contour Charcoal Grey

Boral Vogue or Contour Shale

Boral Vogue or Contour Gunmetal

Boral Contour Peat

Boral Contour Walnut

Tiles are to be non-reflective with a non-glazed finish, to avoid glare. Multi-coloured tiles are not permitted.

Galvanised or zinc roofs are not permitted.

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