Harkness Place Oakville Design Guidelines

C O R N E R LO T S • Corner lots are high impact lots as they have two street frontages which are highly visible. •  Special attention to both street frontages must be given to homes selected for corner lots in the form of articulation, materials and finishes. •  Architectural elements, materials and colours selected to the main facade must be introduced to the secondary frontage. Examples of these could be verandahs, pergolas or projecting elements which can be extended and wrapped around as features to the secondary facade. •  Attention to the type and style of windows must be given to ensure uniformity of primary and secondary facades. •  Corner treatment needs to be extended approximately 4m to 5m behind the primary front setback to achieve quality corner presentation to both street frontages.

C O L O U R S A N D M A T E R I A L S A W E L L D E S I G N E D A N D A R T I C U L AT E D F A C A D E C O N T R I B U T E S S U B S TA N T I A L LY TO T H E S T R E E T C H A R A C T E R O F A C O M M U N I T Y . By utilising a mix of materials in a variety of ways, visual interest is created when viewing your home from the street. Our key objective is to have an estate that is visually cohesive and ultimately provides high quality streetscapes. The colour selection for your home must be complementary to the local area and reflect muted natural and earthy tones. Colours should take their hue from the Australian environment, with accents of colour to architectural features only.

When building on corner lots, consider both street frontages. Continue materials and finishes that are used on the main street frontage around to the secondary street facade. Architectural detailing and finishes should extend approximately 4m to 5m behind the primary front setback.


The front of your home should incorporate: • A variation of materials, both light weight and masonry (masonry must be the dominant material in either face brick or render) • A variation of colours and materials • A feature material eg: stone, tile, feature face brick, render or light weight cladding

4m – 5m

The facade to your home must not: • Be entirely face brick

G A R A G E To ensure that the garage is not dominant and does not overpower the rest of the front facade, the garage will need to be setback a minimum 1000mm from the main body of the house. The garage door is to either be panel lift or tilt-a-door style.

Light weight material

All homes in Harkness Place must have a minimum of two materials, finishes or colours incorporated into the front facade. These materials or finishes to be incorporated into the front facades can be stone, tile, light weight cladding, render or feature brick panels .




• Well articulated roof designs are strongly encouraged for Harkness Place. •  Hipped and gabled roofs are to have a minimum roof pitch of 22.5 degrees. Other roof styles such as skillion and parapet style facades will be considered on their merit. •  Not only for visual street appeal but to also assist with your energy requirements for Council approval, all homes in Harkness Place will be required to have 450mm eaves as a minimum. However, there will be instances where this may be waived, such as building on zero lots or where the design and facade shows architectural merit by not having eaves.

Main body material

Accent materials

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