

Local Tory MP welcomes changes to his own pension plan

“I fully support it,” said Lemieux dur- ing a Sept. 27 phone interview. “It’s a big change and it’s necessary, especially for the taxpayer.” The 2012 federal budget plan included a proposal for reforms to the current pen- sion plan set up for MPs. Details for the changes are still under discussion and will form part of the second and final budget implantation bill that Parliament votes on later in the sea- son. years as being a lucrative “golden para- chute” with most of the contributions to the plan and its payouts coming from tax- payers through the general revenue fund. Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised that the 2012 budget would correct the situation and bring the MP pension plan more in line with private sector pension plans. The changes to the MP pension plan, if approved, will take effect after the next federal election. Two of the most impor- tant changes will affect when retiring MPs can collect that pension and how The parliamentary pen- sion scheme for MPs long pre-dates the current Conservative govern- ment. It has come under fire off and on over many

much they will have to contribute to the fund itself. Right now retiring MPs are eligible to collect their federal pensions at age 55 after they step down from office. One change to the plan would make 65 the age when an MP can collect but not until he or she is out of office. If the federal government goes ahead with plans to increase the eligible age for

that makes him eligible for the current MP pension setup if he was to resign now or if he was voted out of office in the next fed- eral election. He would still have to wait until he was 55 before he could collect. He has no problem promising to vote for all the changes to the MP pension setup when the final budget implemen- tation bill comes up to vote later in the year.


CUMMINGS AUTO VENTES - SERVICE - FINANCE 3003, rue St-Joseph, Orleans • 613 834-8885 Raymond et Luc Gregoire (Anciennement Gregoire Auto, Embrun) OTTAWA | While his colleagues on both sides of the House of Commons dicker like devils over the details, Conserva- tive MP Pierre Lemieux is taking his stand right now on proposed changes to the federal pension plan for MPs. He welcomes them.

Old Age Security to 67 within the next two decades, then the MP pension plan will fol- low suit. The other major change is to change the contribution setup

“It’s a big change and it’s necessary, especially for the taxpayer.” - Pierre Lemieux

to 50-50, which would be more in keep- ing with private sector pension plans. Right now the contribution set-up is that MPs contribute from 11 per cent to 14 per cent to their pension plan with the feder- al government putting in the remainder. The changeover from the current con- tribution setup to a 50-50 rate would be phased in. Details on how that will work will be part of the upcoming final budget implementation bill. Lemieux himself marks his seventh year as an MP in January 2013. He already meets the minimum term limit of six years


Pierre Lemieux

350 000 $



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Aux sociétaires et aux actionnaires de la Caisse populaire d’Alfred limitée Selon l’article 309 de la Loi de 1994 sur les caisses populaires et les credits unions , vous êtes convoqués à l’assemblée générale extraordinaire de votre caisse populaire, qui aura lieu :

Le mardi 9 octobre 2012, à 19 h LIEU : Université de Guelph Campus d’Alfred, local 107 31, rue St-Paul, Alfred Pour information : 613 679-2221

À cette occasion, vous serez appelés à vous prononcer sur l’adoption d’une convention de fusion qui a été conclue entre la Caisse populaire d’Alfred limitée et la Caisse populaire de Hawkesbury Ltée et qui a été approuvée par le surintendant des services financiers de l’Ontario. La convention a comme objectif de fusionner ces deux caisses populaires pour fonder une nouvelle caisse sous le nom de Caisse populaire Alfred-Hawkesbury Ltée. Des résolutions extraordinaires devront être adoptées par les sociétaires et les actionnaires de la Caisse lors de cette assemblée générale afin d’adopter la convention de fusion. Si la convention de fusion est adoptée par les sociétaires et les actionnaires des deux caisses, toutes les parts sociales existantes seront échangées en parts sociales de la Caisse populaire issue de la fusion. De plus, toutes les actions des caisses qui fusionnent seront échangées pour des actions de la Caisse issue de la fusion, à raison d’une action pour chaque action échangée. La nouvelle Caisse fusionnée serait affiliée à La Fédération des caisses populaires de l’Ontario Inc. Une copie de la convention de fusion peut être consultée par les sociétaires et actionnaires à la Caisse durant ses heures d’ouverture.


Cet avis est donné par ordre du conseil d’administration. Signé à Alfred, ce 26 e jour du mois de septembre 2012. François Grégoire Secrétaire du conseil d’administration

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