
18A — November 22 - December 5, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women

2013 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors

CREWLehighValleyRaisesMoreThan$2,000 For CREW Foundation with Miniature Golf

P resident M aureen O’M eara H ampson M owrer K reitz I nsurance (HMK) P ast P resident & N ominating C hair T ina K isela , SCSMS, SCMD P resident E lect C hrista K raftician , AIA, LEEDAP S pillman F armer A rchitects S ecretary C atherine (K ate ) D urso F itzpatrick L entz & B ubba , P.C. T reasurer C ynthia M erritt , CPA B uckno L isicky & C ompany C orresponding S ecretary P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust D irectors - at -L arge K elly B erfield , E sq . D ietrick G roup LLC J essica G entile N orth S tar C onstruction M anagement , I nc . P olaris P roperties , I nc . S ponsorship C ommittee T racy Y adush , RPA NAI S ummit P rograms C ommittee N icholas H ewes , AIA MKSD A rchitects , LLC M embership C ommittee K aren C ooney D uerholz B oyle C onstruction I nc . C ommunity S ervice J ody K ing , CCIM CBRE, I nc P ublicity C ommittee T ina R oseberry SSM G roup 2013 C ommittee C hairs

CREW Lehigh Valley Past Presidents Tracy Yadush RPA, CPM(L) and Kate Hart Zayaitz organized the tournament.

Tina and Rick Roseberry display their winnings.

Joanne Kostecky, Maureen O’Meara, Jane Schiff and Sandra Kuhns were an outstanding foursome.

ALLENTOWN, PA — Two CREW Lehigh Valley Past Presidents, Kate Hart, Vice President, Commercial Lend- ing, National Penn Bank and Tracy Yadush,  RPA, CPM(r),Senior PropertyMan- ager, NAI Summit organized a highly successful event on September 24 to benefit the CREWNetwork Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to ad- vancing women in the com- mercial real estate industry. CREW Network and CREW Network Foundation have awarded $470,000 in schol-

arships to 56 college women since 2008. With a wink and a nudge to the long-established tradi- tion of fundraising through golf tournaments, CREW LV Foundation Champion, Ann Marie Osika, Vice President, Commercial Real Estate, Lafayette Ambassador Bank along with Kate Hart de- vised the idea of having the Lehigh Valley chapter host a miniature golf tournament. Thirty-eight golfers took part in the fun event held

at Lucky Strikes Miniature Golf Course in Allentown. A dozen companies and in- dividuals sponsored holes. Duffers purchased mini-mul- ligans and top teams won prizes, including golf attire, gift certificates and electronic office supplies. Top teams were: First Place: Boyle Construction – Nikki Cuocco, Beverly Boger, Marie Ronzheimer, and Maureen Flowers.  Second Place: Tina Roseberry, SSM Group, Inc. and Rick Roseberry.  Third

Place: a team that combined Campbell, Rappold, & Yur- asits and ABE Doors & Win- dows -- John Zayaitz, CRY, Marc Brinker, CRY, Gary Conrad, ABE, and Shannon Seng, ABE. The event ended with net- working over favorite min- iature golf food: hot dogs, French fries and ice cream. More than $2,000 was raised for the CREW Net- work Foundation and a fun time was had by all! n

SPONSORS Gold: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C.; Liberty Property Trust; PennCap Properties; Servpro of Easton Bethlehem & Whitehall Patron: NAI Summit; Boyle Construction; Pennoni Associates; Langan Engineering; Northstar Construction Contributor: HMK Insurance; Spillman Farmer Architects; MKSD Architects; Sperry Van Ness Imperial Realty; Campbell, Rappold, Yurasits LLP Friend: Barry Isett & Associates; National Penn Bank; Ondra-Huyett Construction; Regan, Levin, Bloss, Brown & Savchak PC; Buckno, Lisicky & Co.; CBRE; Greater Reading Economic Partnership; The Dietrick Group; J.G. Petrucci Co.

For Membership Information Contact Karen Duerholz at kcduerholz@boyleconstruction.com

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