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Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — November 22 - December 5, 2013 — 17B


Lonnie Barish of New America Power makes history New America Power closes deal on 2400+ units purchasing 100% wind-certified green energy


dividual client. “It has always been our goal to help our clients de- termine the smartest and most affordable energy op- tions for their unique needs,” said Lonnie Barish , energy consultant at New America Power. “Aside from a finan- cial decision, part of our guidance always includes environmental consider- ation. It’s gratifying to know that we’re not only securing our clients with dependable gineer in 2000 and served as project manager for over a de- cade. Golden has been very ac- tive in company management, helping ads ENGINEERS increase their client base and develop internal systems to sustain growth. His goals as partner include continuing to streamline the company’s sustainability processes on the design side. Major projects supervised by Golden include the 1.5 mil- lion s/f Asian Cultural Com- plex in Korea, the 165,000 s/f Logan Arts Center at the University of Chicago, and the commissioning of the 800,000 s/f office for Pricewa- terhouseCoopers LLP in New York City. Prior to joining ads ENGI- NEERS, Golden served as a project engineer designing HVAC, plumbing and electri- cal systems for large retail projects. Golden earned his Bachelor of Science in me- chanical engineering from the University at Buffalo. His professional affiliations in- clude the U.S. Green Building Council, the Building Com- missioningAssociation (BCA), theAmerican Society of Heat- ing, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ASHRAE) and the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers (ASME). Golden holds ASHRAE certi- fications in High-Performance Building Design (HBDP) and Commissioning Project Man- agement (CPMP). n

energy options, but we’re reducing our area’s carbon footprint and spreading the message of sustainability as well.” Green energy, also known as renewable energy, relies on resources that are natu- rally replenished (wind, sun- light, rain, tides, etc.) rather than relying on non-renew- able energy sources, such as coal, oil, or natural gas. New America Power asserts that shifting the dependence away from finite resources will prove more financially

and environmentally wise down the line. The firm has made it a priority to educate its clients on the “green” options they may have never known were available to them. In this way, they turn ordinary en- ergy procurement purchases into environmentally friend- ly decisions. The long-term relationships New America Power forms with each client allow them to continuously reassess and adjust their existing solution based on market research. n at any time of year that the ground is not frozen or covered by snow. Nazdrowicz earned a M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Delaware and a B.S. in Environmental Science and Forest Biology from S.U.N.Y. Nazdrowicz is an Environmental Sci- entist with over 11 years of experience (over six with this firm), working in the environmental sciences, specializing in wetland creation design and native plantings, monitoring of the plant, wildlife and hydro- logic conditions of created wetlands, habitat assess- ments, and conducting rare, threatened and endangered species studies, including Phase I and Phase II Bog Turtle Surveys. She has been published in profes- sional journals such as Biological Conservation and Re Nazdrowicz is a volunteer for the Delaware Amphibi- an Monitoring Program and Delaware’s Adopt-A-Wet- land, among other research and educator volunteer activities. To view an Expert Article about Bog Turtle surveying by Amy Nazdrowicz in the Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal, go to: digital.turn- page.com/i/124239/68. n

successfully combined the personal ecological interests of its staff with an expertise in 100% green wind-certi- fied power to urge its clients toward environmentally friendly energy options. NewAmerica Power works with clients to determine all the ways their energy procurement services can be more environmentally friendly, while leaving the level of green visibility and transparency up to each in- successful. She is focused on bringing sustainability into all aspects of the firm’s work and on increasing the skill set of their design engineers to include more sustainable measures. Prior to serving as director of Sustainable Services at ads ENGINEERS, Roberts served as an HVAC engi- neer at the firm. Her clients included some of the firm’s most prestigious projects, Hermès of Paris and The Four Seasons Hotel. Before joining the firm she was an energy engineer, performing energy audits and authoring energy savings programs including surveying and testing exist- ing systems in New Orleans. Roberts earned her Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Tulane University. Her professional affiliations in- clude the U.S. Green Build- ing Council and the Building Commissioning Association (BCA). Roberts is the presi- dent-elect of the New York Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrig- erating andAir-Condition- ing Engineers (ASHRAE) and will assume the role of president in June 2014. About Ari Golden As an associate at ads EN- GINEERS, Golden supervised all aspects of domestic and international projects. ANew York State Professional Engi- neer & LEED AP, he started with the firm as project en-

H I LADELPH I A , PA — New America Power, a full-service

energy pro- c u r e m e n t c o m p a n y founded in 2009, is the f i rst busi - ness in its local cate- gory to bro- ker a deal of

Lonnie Barish

over 2400 multi-family resi- dential units. The firm has

Ads ENGINEERS promotes Lorey Flick Roberts and Ari Golden

Nazdrowicz achieves new bog turtle surveyor status

NEW YORK, NY — Am- brosino, DePinto and Schmieder Consulting En- gineers (ads ENGINEERS) is pleased to announce the promotion of Lorey Flick Roberts and Ari Golden to partners in the firm. Roberts formerly served as the direc- tor of Sustainable Services and Golden as an associate. About Lorey Flick Roberts Lorey Roberts is a regis- tered professional engineer, High-Performance Build- ing Design Professional (HBDP) and LEEDAP , with over a decade of experience in the engineering industry. As Director of Sustainable Services at ads ENGINEERS, Roberts leads a team in man- aging numerous client proj- ects focused on energy mod- eling, commissioning, and LEED services. Since 2008, Roberts has worked to develop the firm’s sustainability group and secured the long-term cli- ent relationships that have helped the group thrive. With a strong background in me- chanical design, Mrs. Roberts has a focus on energy model- ing and the unique expertise for leading design in a more sustainable way. Lorey Roberts’ goals as partner are aimed at grow- ing the sustainability group at ads ENGINEERS and to continue streamlining the organizational processes that have made this group so

NEW CASTLE, DE — Landmark Science & En- gineering announced that

Amy Nazd- rowicz , a staff envi- ronmental s c i e n t i s t , has become regi stered as a “Rec- o g n i z e d Q u a l i f i e d Bog Turtle

Amy Nazdrowicz

Surveyor” by the Dela- ware Depar tment of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) . The Bog Turtle is a small, wetland-inhabiting turtle that is federally listed as “threatened” through the U.S. Endangered Species Act and the State of Mary- land, and is listed as “en- dangered” by the states of Delaware, New Jersey, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Unique planning chal- lenges are presented by Bog Turtles because their secre- tive nature and seasonal activeness restricts the time of year that a Phase II Bog Turtle survey can be executed to just April 15 through June 15. A Phase I survey can be conducted

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