
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — November 22 - December 5, 2013 — 21B G reen B uildings


Joseph Manko and Bryan Franey of Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, Discussing “Practical Tips for Buying and Selling Contaminated Property”


presentation is part of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s 17th Annual Real Estate In-

tal due diligence and hiring environmental consultants. Manko will also address re-

matters, including mergers and acquisitions, environmental reporting, and alternative dis- pute resolutionmatters. Manko is a member of the Fairmount Park Conservancy Executive Committee and served for more than ten years as the chair of the Pennsylvania In- frastructure and Investment Authority (PENNVEST). He currently co-chairs the Mayor’s Sustainability Advisory Board and serves on the Boards of the Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Film Society, and Philadelphia Orchestra. Franey has experience in

counseling and representing clients on a range of environ- mental, energy, and health and safety matters. His practice focuses on the environmental aspects of commercial transac- tions and real estate develop- ment, regulatory compliance matters (particularly in the area of air quality), permit- ting, sustainability, energy ef- ficiency and renewable energy development. He is currently an adjunct professor of law at Villanova teaching a class focused on practical lawyer- ing skills in an environmental context. n

H I L A D E L P H I A , PA — Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox at-

stitute, De- cember 5-6, 2013. Manko and Franey will prov i de an overview of the legal lia- bility frame- work associ-

cent develop- ments relat- ed to vapor intrusion and siting issues. Joseph M. M a n k o , a foundingpart- ner of MGKF, has 40 years

torneys Joseph Manko and Bryan Franey will present, “Practical Tips for Buying and Selling Contaminated Prop- erty.” The program will take place on December 5, from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m., at the Pennsyl- vania Convention Center. The Partner at MGKF serves as panelist PHILADELPHIA, PA — Suzanne Schiller , a litigation partner with Manko, Gold,

Bryan Franey

Joseph Manko

atedwith transactions involving contaminated property. Manko and Franey will offer practical advice for real estate attorneys on conducting environmen-

of experience advising clients on environmental issues relat- ing to real estate development, regulatory permitting and compliance, and transactional

Katcher & Fo x , LLP (MGKF) , will be a panelist on an upcom- ing program entitled, “Ar- ranger Lia- bility Under C E R C L A :


Suzanne Schiller

Leveraging Recent Court Deci- sions – Reducing LiabilityAmid Uncertainty and Absent Clear Guidance”. The CLE webinar will provide environmental counsel with a briefing on how recent court decisions have addressed arranger liability issues and their implications for CERCLA liability.  The webinar will take place on Wednesday, December 11 from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET. n utility history and identify the potential for cost savings. An energy audit would follow to further define the economic and environmental impacts. Execu- tion of the energy conservation project should be accomplished in partnership between the energy professional, contrac- tor, and building owner with the overall objective to reduce costs of electric, gas, steam, and water. After the energy conserva- tion practices are in place, regular monitoring and track- ing of utilities should continue. For most systems, this is the only feedback regarding the performance of the installed project. By monitoring utilities, maintenance personnel can be engaged in energy conservation and not just react to the comfort of the occupants. Timothy D. Ward, P.E. is president of Limbach Engineering and Design Services. n Ward, Limbach . . . continued from page 20B

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