
C — November 22 - December 5, 2013 — Shopping Centers — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


S hopping C enters Firm also brokers 7,912 sf and .637 acres of leases Rohrbaugh&Stineof Bennett Williams rep seller in$4.697msale

The James Balliet Commercial Group “The Lehigh Valley’s Premier Full Service Commercial Real Estate Company”

• Shopping Center Sales & Leasing

ORK, PA — BEN- NETT WILLIAMS REALTY, INC .has ar- ranged the sale/lease of the following transaction: Sales Randolph Park Shop- ping Center, LLC pur- chased 30,000 +/- s/f Ran- dolph Park retail center at 1720 S. Queen St. in York, PA from Randolph Park As- sociates, LLC. Chad Stine and Brad Rohrbaugh of Bennett Williams represent- ed the seller in the transac- tion. Leases Amanda Snoke Dubbs, Esq. Y

• Retail, Office, Medical & Industrial Properties

• Tenant Representation

Business Brokerage

• Commercial Land Brokerage

• Multi Unit Apartments

• Distressed Property & Asset Management

KW Commercial | 40 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.| Allentown, PA 18104 610-435-4711 2010, 2011 & 2012 CoStar Power Broker Award Winners!


Randolph Park retail center

leased 1,000 s/f retail space at Dew Drop Plaza at 294 Dew Drop Rd. in York, PA, fromQueen St. Convenience, LLC. Chad Stine and Brad Rohrbaugh of Bennett Wil- liams represented the land- lord, and Dennis Neiman , also of Bennett Williams, represented the tenant in the transaction. Mid Atlantic Billing & Recovery, LLC leased 410 s/f retail space at Market Square at 593 S. Main St. in Shrewsbury, PA. Chad Stine, Brad Rohrbaugh, and Heather Menchinger of Bennett Williams represent- ed both the landlord and the tenant in the transaction. PHD Family, Inc . leased 1,500 s/f retail space at Newberry Pointe at 116 Newberry Parkway in Et- ters, PA. Chad Stine and Brad Rohrbaugh of Bennett Williams represented the landlord in the transaction. White Rose Federal Credit Union leased 637 retail acres at 160- E. Main St. in Dallastown, PA. Chad Stine and Brad Rohrbaugh of Bennett Williams rep- resented the tenant in the transaction. Lahori Kebab & Grill l eased 1 , 600 s / f re ta i l space at Dauphin Plaza on Union Deposit Rd. in Har- risburg, PA. Chad Stine, Brad Rohrbaugh, and Abe Khan of Bennett Williams represented both the land- lord and the tenant in the transaction. VeriClaim leased 3,402 s/f office space at 1300 Bent Creek Blvd. in Mechanics- burg, PA. Chad Stine, Brad Rohrbaugh, and Rick Mc- Ginnis of Bennett Williams represented the landlord in the transaction. n

TBC ICSC ad 11/18/11 11:14 AM Page 1

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