resentment m his heart for days and sometimes even weeks, still be a born-again Christian?” A. A born-again Christian is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. He is not depend ing upon good works, ordinances, church membership or rituals for salvation but rather the finished work of Christ on Calvary’s cross. If the one to whom you refer is real ly a believer, then his actions cer tainly bring disrepute upon the name of his Lord. He will have no testi mony and will lose fellowship with the Lord. We need to pray for a person such as you have described that he will come to the Lord for cleansing and filling by the Holy Spirit. The cause of these problems is being out of fellowship with the Lord. Q . Tuscon, Ariz. — “A friend wants to know i f the visions she keeps hav ing are of the Lord or of Satan. She’s had many visions which have come true in some of the details. She wants to know if she is possessed by Satan or is crazy. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can help her?” A. Science believes that certain in dividuals are sensitive to conditions round about them, drawing conclu sions which may or may not be war ranted. The friend may have dreams at night, or in the day mental pic tures. Their substance would depend upon the contact. It’s possible to have certain imaginations that come true. All of us, especially parents con cerned about their children, will have premonitions of things about to hap pen. Generally, such occurrences are merely coincidental. This is not to infer that your friend is possessed by Satan or mentally unbalanced. She perhaps could discuss the matter with a godly pastor who could be a help to her. This is not something 24
to be exploited and it really serves no purpose to tell everyone else about it. This only causes more concern and consternation. The Lord has given us a tremendous amount of actual prophetic truth. Try spending time on this for your own spiritual growth. I Corinthians 6:19 reminds us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Q . Glendale, Calif. — “A t the church which my mother-in-law attends the minister claims that by prophecy he can tell people what they should do. As an example, he might get up and say ‘Someone has $20 in his pocket. He should bring it to the altar or the judgment of God will faU upon him.’ People in the church are filed with fear. This doesn’t seem right to me; does it to you?” A. It most certainly doesn't! No where in the Bible are such charla tan tricks condoned. In this day of affluence, there would surely be some one in a church crowd who Would have a $20 bill in his pocket. We don’t worship the Lord in fear. God doesn’t work in this way. He speaks to the individual as to what his per sonal response should be. We suggest you encourage your relative to go to a church where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed in all its power and love. No one has a right to make such threats to a congrega tion. Q . Arlington, Wash. — “How much are you teaching your students about sensitivity training? Will those who plan on teaching be alert to avoid further sensitivity training when they leave your school?” A. While we don’t give our students training in every new thing that comes along, we do try to keep them abreast of some of the trends. We seek to show our young people, as an example, the importance of absolute
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