view during the millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ (Isa. 11:6-9). In Revelation 6 we have mention of four horses but these are concepts the Lord gives of His providential workings. These are word pictures to guide us in our understanding. This doesn’t mean that wherever you find a horse in Scripture it is neces sarily a figure. The passage and its context must be considered. There is no indication that horses will be in heaven. Often they are used as figures of speech to indicate angelic hosts. Q . Riverside, Calif. — “I f disease and death are the results of sin, then why do animals have illness and die, when they have no consciousness of God? It doesn’t seem to me that ani ma ls can sin . The r e f o r e , t h e y shouldn’t be subject to disease and death.” A. Keep in mind that God cursed all creation because of the sins of Adam and Eve. This is absolutely founda tiona l (Gen. 3:17ff). The ground wasn’t cursed because of any sin it had committed; it was cursed for Adam’s sake. Romans 8:22 tells us “that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” The curse will be lifted from the earth when Christ comes and sets up His millennial kingdom (Isa. 11:9). Q . Bellingham, Wash — “In Acts 16:3 why did Paul circumcize Timothy when it was not necessary for sal vation?”
moral standards. Sensitivity train ing would encourage one to try everything and experiment to the fullest. When we consider what is going on in the world today, this certainly isn’t the Christian philos ophy. No matter the course taught in our school, it is all within a biblical and theological framework. This makes all the difference in the world. Biola doesn’t prepare just ca pable teachers, but rather dedicated Christian teachers. This is the Lord’s doing and we’re thankful for it. Q . Walla Walla, Wash. — "/ would, like to have an explanation of James 5:16 where we read, ‘Confess your faults one to another.’ What about ministers going into this sensitivity business, using this portion of Scrip ture for their basis?” A. We certainly are not in favor of this in any way. It’s interesting that almost invariably th is sensitivity training centers around the subject of sex. This is where a real danger comes in. Ministers are treading on extremely dangerous ground when they move into sensitivity training. Take James 5:16 and compare it with Ephesians 5:11, 12. Faults done openly can be confessed to those who have been wronged. Confess openly only to the extent that other people know of what has been involved. Sensitivity training is nothing but another trick of Satan trying to le gitimize sinful acts and practices. Liberals practice these things, but not the pastor, church or school which keeps true to the Word of God.
Q. College Place, Wash. — “On a re- A. Some may wonder if Paul com- cent program someone said th a t promised the Gospel. Certainly he there would be no horses or animals did not. Timothy’s mother, you re- in heaven. What about the lion and member, was a Jewess, as was his the lamb being toge the r as in grandmother. Timothy’s father was Isaiah? Would this rather be on the a Gentile. Paul with wisdom seeks new earth?” to allay any kind of opposition to the message of salvation and to avoid A. Yes it is the earth which is in criticism as to why Timothy hadn’t 25
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