undergone the rite of circumcision, so important and essential to the Jew. Circumcizing Timothy was not a rite to make him ready for salva tion. There is absolutely nothing nec essary to salvation except faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Timothy un derstood this perfectly. Q . Fresno, Calif. — “In paintings of the Lord’s supper, it looks like there are bunches of fru it on the table. Did they eat anything beside the bread and the wine at the Lord’s supper?’’ A. We do not know anything beyond what Scripture states, and no fruit is mentioned. They had been having a meal and it’s possible there were still things left on the table when the Last Supper was instituted. Ar tists can be wrong. Q . Bellevue, Wash. — “Do you believe that homosexuality is pathological and should not be treated as a crime ? Please defend your answer, detailed with Scripture references. I believe homosexuality is deliberate perver sion and once indulged in the mind or thought becomes abnormal. God ordained the death penalty in the Old Testament. Where does the New Tes tament give orders for any punish ment? We have no law against adul tery, so why have laws against homo sexuality?” A. For one of the clearest answers as to how God looks at this heinous sin, read Romans 1. Homosexuality is not merely pathological, but is one of the vilest and most vicious sins in the entire category of wickedness. It should be treated as such. A homo sexual stoops in his relationships to a level below the beasts of the fields. Even animals don’t indulge in this sort of practice. It’s sad to realize that men have tried to treat such sins as drunkenness, adultery, and stealing as pathological. Homosexu- 26
ality is a deliberate perversion. Read I Corinthians 6:9, 10, to see from the New Testament further proof of God’s position in the matter. How unthinkable it is that churches should be filled with these. See what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah. In Genesis 18 and 19, these towns are held up as gruesome examples of this awful perversion and God's judgment upon them. This sinful practice strikes at the very root of human society and relationships. To day we even see beastiality. God could have made for Adam a male companion but He didn’t. He made someone who answered exactly to him in Eve. No civilization can long endure where these basic relation ships are flaunted. We need to pray for our country and call sin, sin! "As no other in all history, Jesus Christ appeals to all people of all races and na tionalities. His divine personality and living teachings cause Him to rise above racial and national barriers and to reveal Him as He truly was— a man without a country but claimed by people of every country in the world. All racial characteristics retire into the background in the unique drama of His life.” — George Lamsa Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties. Our DEEDS determine US, as much as WE determine our DEEDS. Feeding your conscience on excuses is like feeding sleeping pills to your watch dog. Make good habits and they will make you. Problems that are not frankly faced have a habit of stabbing us in the back. Children have more need of models than of critics. The Lord gets His best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.
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