Biola Broadcaster - 1970-07

Bible Conferences with a PURPOSE

MOUNT HERMON, California August 9/15 Located 7 miles from Santa Cruz in a beautiful setting, you and your family will want to take advantage of beach outings, golfing, and fishing in addition to the special Conference features. THE FIRS, Bellingham, Wash. August 16/22 You will enjoy lush mountain scenery ju s t 50 miles south of Vancouver, B.C., where the cli­ mate is mild and refreshing. The Conference time a t The F irs will be your favorite summer days! FEATUREDSPEAKERS: Dr. Sutherland Dr. Chase Dr. Mitchell BIOLA QUARTET ¿ i n musical message for both conferences Ron Hafer Send for our colorful brochure with complete in­ formation on Biola’s two Summer Bible Confer­ ences.

W rite to: P u b lic R e la tio n s D e p a rtm e n t, B io la C o lle g e , 1 3 8 0 0 B io la A v e ., La M ir a ­ da, C a lifo rn ia , 9 0 6 3 8

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