Now, although I have left much unsaid, I do want to close with a look to the future. Should the Lord tarry, there will be development and progress at Biola. We will not change the basic distinctives of the school, but we will certainly look for devel opment in other areas. Educational development and progress has always characterized the school. B io la ’s leaders have always sought to pre pare Christian young people for the demands of their age, and we can do no less in the days ahead. Re member, 30 years ago Biola had a campus that consisted of only a cou ple of downtown buildings and a Bible Institute program. In the in tervening years a college program was started, a School of Missionary Medicine was begun and later de veloped into an accredited baccalau reate nursing major, an undergradu ate school of theology was begun and then discontinued in favor of Talbot Theological Seminary, our accredited graduate school of theol ogy, and a new campus in La Mira da, Calif, was developed. Today Biola College stands as a tribute to the outstanding academic leadership of Dr. Sutherland and the administrative efforts of such lead ers as Dr. Charles Feinberg, Profes sor Leonie Soubirou, and Dr. James Christian. During these years of de velopment and progress, Dr. Suther land, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, our Chan cellor, and the Board of Trustees, have all provided spiritual leader ship and administrative direction so that these changes would enhance rather than hinder the God-given mission of Biola. Will you join me in praying that in the years ahead — till Christ comes, Biola will continue to develop and progress in those areas where it must, without diminishing its clear dedication to Christ and its historic mission. As the new President, I would greatly appreciate your sup port in both prayer and gifts. 6
Biola students attended the Evangelical Student Congress at Spring Arbor College In Michigan. Pic tured in Chicago, Illinois, en route to the meetings are (left to right) Todd Lewis, Greg Thompson, and Dane Beckwith.
A revival of old-fashioned patriotism and a grateful acknowledgment of what our country has done for us would be good for all our souls. —Manton S. Eddy If you’ve been bom into God’s family, never forget who you are, and act as befits a royal heir. Jesus Christ is a Lawyer who never loses a case, a Doctor who never fails, and a Friend who never turns His back on His own.
Dr. W. Robert Smith (left) is featured speaker at Biola's Summer Family Bible Conferences. He talks with Dr. J. Richard Chase.
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