Strategic Plan and Vision
Our Mission Keele University’s mission is to make a difference in society by providing innovative, high-quality education for students from all backgrounds and by undertaking world-leading research that transforms understanding and brings benefit to society, communities and individuals. Our future Our strategic plan is articulated through a clear sense of purpose and knowledge of what our performance needs to be to achieve this. Keele University has a strong sense of community. We recognise how our place in the UK partly defines us and what we do but that brings with it a determination to be global in outlook and international in action. Ultimately, our success comes from our people and the partnerships we forge, nurture and cherish.
Enabling strategies To deliver this strategy, we will have a number of visions, strategies and action plans across the following themes:
• Education • Research • Student Experience • People • International • Financial Sustainability
• Estates • Digital • Environmental Sustainability • Health and Wellbeing
Find out more at keele.ac.uk/ourfuture
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