ARCH Summer 2022


residents are

Estate Manager Danielle Makin, Area Manager Jean Wood and Scheme Manager Claire Ellison (pictured below with Suki Jandu Executive Director - Housing Services) who are seconded to the Be Me project, to work through all the feedback. They’ll pick out key themes we can use to finalise the Service Offer before we move on to the next stage. shaping

The next step on our Be Me transformation journey is all about #ListeningAndActing on colleague and resident feedback, as we use it to shape our draft Service Offer for rented housing. Launched in June, the draft offer sets out the consistent, high-quality service we want to provide in a way which is financially sustainable, so we can meet the changing needs of the residents of today and tomorrow. Throughout July, housing colleagues had the chance to read the offer, chat to their manager and share their thoughts, either in an online questionnaire or at a workshop. And as we’re delivering this issue of arch , colleagues across the country are talking to residents about their thoughts on the offer. It’s the job of three colleagues,

Once we’re clear on what we want to provide, we can then explore the systems, processes and staffing structures needed to deliver it.

Providing the right support

From 1 August, our Extra Care locations are being managed separately from rented housing. Paul Yates, Director of Rented Housing – South explains: “Given the ever-increasing complexity of managing extra care, it’s right that there’s a dedicated team supporting colleagues, led by Janine Moorcroft, Head of Extra Care Housing. “At the same time, we’ve made

some changes to the rented housing structure, adding an additional regional head of housing and three further operations managers.” Paul adds: “The reason for introducing additional roles is to give greater stability, offer more opportunities for support, and enable enough flexibility for the operations managers to support transformation.”


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