04:05 Issue 5



Access to business systems such as email to be restricted between the hours of 6.00 pm – 8.00 am, to be overridden by request and automated approval, all of which would be logged and, if necessary, justified later. This fitted perfectly with my idea of protecting people, particularly when in Remote mode, from working all sorts of hours and not resting properly. Some employees on days without the commute would use those hours gained to work, and so gain little benefit. This was part of another idea I had to investigate; work and people. Who felt overworked, who thought they had more capacity… in some departments, a recent poll had showed that the job wasn’t stretching them. 2.57 p.m The meeting with Tracey had thrown up some issues that were news. One in her department was having domestic problems, starting a divorce proceeding and so had had to take quite a bit of time off. This in itself wasn’t the problem, but Tracey had stepped up her

workload to back up the shortfall, leading to things not getting done. Credit Control was crucial to the cash flow so was always a priority, and I understood this. My advice was that she should speak to the employees affected, explain why their development need hadn’t been met, that we were aware, and this would be remedied as soon as possible. Tracey seemed relieved that what had seemed a big problem could be resolved so quickly and reasonably. 5.15 pm I bumped into the Head of payroll getting into the lift. She reminded me that we needed a post-holiday catch-up on the new system proposal. I’d drop her a note tomorrow. The Underground was packed; I hoped the trains would behave themselves this evening.

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