King's Business - 1938-01



January, 1938

LESSON COMMENTARY [Continued from page 19]

SOUTH AFRICA GENERAL MISSION 23 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. “ How can I except some man should guide me” ; said the AFRICAN to Phil­ ip. “How shall they hear without a preacher” ; said Paul. Thousands o f na­ tive AFRICANS are waiting to hear of Jesus. The S.A.G.M. is pioneering in uncovered territories, and through its band o f faithful workers seeking to make Christ known. Information will be furnished on request. 65 to 3425 in 22 months That’s the circulation increase of The CHR IST IAN READER'S DIGEST 1040 Park Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska There's a Reason! Send for a free sample copy today, or send 10c for a copy of the current issue. WIN SOULSWITH TRACTS MESSAGES OF SAVING GRACE multiply your audience, till the Held, and en­ large your harvest. Send today for sample package. Assorted titles, only 25c. Enclose coin or stamps. FAITH , PRAYER & TRACT LEAGUE Dept. KB, Muskegon Heights, Mich. H O TE L (Frances E .) W ILLARD 636-40 SO. HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIP. Catering to Christian Trade MEN AND WOMEN North W ing— Bible Institute Reasonable Rates Write for descriptive folder f j Hangings, Bible Markers, etc. Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. State your needs. Catalog and samples on request. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1 1126 S. 4th St., Greenville, 111. ASTHMA A British Mi ssi onary from India completely freed of Ast hma 17 years ago will be very pleased to send helpful information on request. Mrs. G. Roberts, 35-K Roxboro St., W . Toronto, Canada A Message for Every Arthritic Menus and diet aids for the Arthritic By MILDRED LAGER Sensible Suggestions that will help you Prepaid 30c HOUSE OF BETTER LIVING 1207 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Write for free catalogue of natural foods. C h o i r A A U / h l C P u l p a I j U v v r a 3

some time in silence, one of the young men said: “ And that is what I am made of? That is all that goes to make me?” “That is all,” said a bystander as he smiled and walked on. But the young man did not smile. “ If that is all that is needed,” said one, “ so much lime, so much gas, so much water, we should be exactly alike. There is some­ thing more which they cannot put into cabinets.” : “ Yes,” said another under his breath, “ that which is added by God, who puts into these senseless elements that which makes a living soul.” They passed on in silence, their souls and their God sudden­ ly^becoming real before those cabinets filled with all the material essentials for the mak­ ing of a man.— The Youthrs Companion .

Object Lesson A R in g a n d a S t r in g

Objects: A black string, about eight feet long, two identical finger rings, and a red cloth. (The rings can be secured at the variety store. Thread one ring on the black string, and conceal the other in the left hand.) Lesson: Bill and John, will you please come to the platform and help me? I want you to hold the two ends of this black string. It is the string of sin. On the string, you will see a beautiful ring. You boys hold the ends tightly to keep the ring from getting off the string. (D o not allow the boys to stand so far apart that the line is held taut.) In looking at this ring, held captive, I am reminded of the man in the fifth chap­ ter of Mark’s Gospel. He was carried where he did not want to go. Many peo­ ple, living today,’ are carried by sin. They are as truly bound by sin as this ring is held by the black string. There is only One—the Lord Jesus Christ—who can free from sin, today, just as there was only One who could heal the demon-possessed man. W e will cover this ring, which is held captive, with this red cloth. Red always re­ minds us of the cleansing blood of Christ. (While the red cloth covers the ring, make a loop in the string and slip the other ring, which has been concealed in the left hand, over the loop. Slip the loop which has gone through the ring back over and around the ring. This will cause the string to hold the ring temporarily. With the original ring concealed in the left hand, move toward the boy at your left, at the same time removing the cloth.) Bill, I will hold your end of the string while you see whether the ring is as se­ curely held by the string as you thought. (While the ring is easily being unlooped by this boy, slide the ring in the hand off the string and into your pocket.) You do not understand the way in which Jesus Christ frees those who are bound by sin, but you can experience it if you take Him as your Saviour. An Aid to Family Worship The expression, “ family altar,” means’ to most Christians the assembling: o f the household for worship in the home. As a reminder of this need for united Bible read­ ing, praise, and prayer, the Allied Manu­ facturers, Inc., Ypsilanti, Mich., have man­ ufactured a dignified article of furniture, which is also called the Family Altar. It is made of solid oak, with an upper pocket providing space for the Bible, and with a lower pocket designed for Testaments, Sun­ day-school lesson helps, pledge envelopes, etc. It is a silent testimony and a call to daily devotions. Write for particulars.

A Man Who Went Home Well M a r k 5:1-17

Memory Verse: “ Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee” (Mk. 5:19). Approach: W e have been talking about how Jesus came into this world to save people from their sins. Have you ever

wondered how sin came into this world ? Let us turn to the first b ook of the Bible, and it will tell us all about it. Yes, it came with Adam and Eve, the first man and wom­ an, and it has been in the world ever since. Satan is called

the ruler of darkness, and from him comes all of the sin and wickedness in the world. Just as Jesus is trying to save people from sin, Satan is trying to keep them in his own power. - But Jesus can break the power o f Satan, and our story today tells about how Jesus broke the power of sin and Satan in a certain man. Lesson Story: Jesus and His disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee one day to the other side where there were no cities, but just barren rocky hillside. A man pos­ sessed of evil spirits dashed out from among the rocks.. A ll day and night “ he was cry­ ing out, and cutting himself with stones” (Mk. 5:5, R. V .). But when he saw Jesus, the evil spirits in him knew Jesus and knew Him to be the Son of God. And the man fell down before Him. The evil spirits knew that Jesus could conquer them. And Jesus did conquer the evil spirits. He felt sorry for the man who was bound by evil, and He set the man free. Some herdsmen itanding near by and watching their herd of swine saw the man returned to his right mind, and they saw that the evil spirits entered their swine and sent them rushing down the hill into the sea. Could any one but the Lord Jesus Christ have power to overcome sin in this way? No, and this is what Jesus wanted to have the people un­ derstand— His power over sin.

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