King's Business - 1938-01

January, 1938


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

extreme, they were nevertheless sincere at- temps to govern for God on earth— to make civil life “ more Christian” as men of those times saw the matter. Their ultimate fail­ ure reveals again the fact that Christians, like “ salt” (Matt. 5:13) can help to re­ strain the spread of corruption but cannot cure it except by the salvation of individual lives through the precious blood of Christ. — I. M. S. FEBRUARY 27, 1938 WHY DOES OUR CHURCH MAINTAIN COLLEGES? P roverbs 2:1-11 M editation on tb e Lesson From our Scripture passage in Proverbs we learn that true wisdom is the most de­ sirable thing in the universe; ft is that su­ preme prize which has inspired the noblest quests of man for all ages. Throughout the passage in Proverbs 2:1-11 we see W is­ dom personified. From the New Testament we learn that the Lord Jesus Christ is “ made unto us wisdom” (1 Cor. 1:30). He is the culmination of all prophecies and types prefigured in the Old Testament, and the beauty of wisdom as pictured by Solo­ mon was most perfectly fulfilled in our Lord. If we diligently seek and earnestly search for true wisdom we shall be satis­ fied, for we read that if “ any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally” (Jas. 1:5). It is God’s prerogative to bestow wisdom upon those humble souls who realize that of them­ selves there is no knowledge, and no ability to grasp the import o f life with all of its complexities. Only God, through the Lord Jesus,' His revelation, can show us the path of wisdom which leads, to the citadel where Wisdom Himself is enthroned. A heart un­ enlightened by the Spirit of God has no understanding of what true wisdom is, for “the fear [reverential trust] of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). Because godly men of days gone by real­ ized that the Bible was the communication of God’s wisdom to men, they established centers of learning founded upon the Book, and dedicated them to the task of training young people in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Today, while not discounting the progress of modern education along many lines, we do esteem a frank statement of the present situation in our colleges neces­ sary. In many colleges founded by evan­ gelical denominations, the verbal inspira­ tion of the Bible has been assailed in the classroom, and belief in the Saviourhood of Jesus Christ has been destroyed. This definition of God, given a few years ago by the head o f the Department of Re­ ligion in a college which in its catalogue described itself as a Christian institution, may serve as a representative view of God in many schools which no longer accept the convictions of their founders: “ God is that force which, when we have learned to re­ late ourselves to it, will yield the best pos­ sible results— in other words, the ultimate force of the universe.” In a word, this is the acid which is gnawing at the vitals o f many so-called Christian colleges: the power of a living, personal God who speaks

FACTS ABOUT THE BOB JONES COLLEGE Cleveland, Tennessee 1. Located in the beautiful Tennessee Valley section of the South. 2. Beautiful and well-equipped modern buildings. 3. Fully state approved high school and excellent business college in connection. 4. Voice, Piano, Speech, Violin, Pipe Organ without additional cost. 5. High educational standards; graduates admitted to leading graduate schools where they have uniformly made good. 6. STANDS WITHOUT APOLOGY FOR “THE OLD TIME RELIGION” AND THE ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE.

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Helps fo r the Leader I. P rayer and P atriotism

“ Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee” (Psa. 122:6). True patriotism puts prayer for one’s coun­ try above every other agency for its prog­ ress and protection. God is the God of na­ tions. “ He putteth down one, and setteth up another” (Psa. 75:7). If we would help to make our country more Christian, we would give more time to earnest prayer for all who rule over us.— S elected . II. C h r ist ia n S t a t e s m a n s h ip History reveals the limitations that the unregenerate state of human nature places upon leaders who earnestly seek to exercise a Christian influence in national life. Chris­ tian young people need to look at history textbooks as objectively as possible, re­ membering that the political views or an atheistic or agnostic attitude of a historian will color his judgment of the value of the work of a Christian statesman such as Gladstone. An example of this condition is the re­ cent tendency to minimize the worth of a nineteenth-century Christian hero, General “ Chinese” Gordon, British Governor-Gen­ eral of the Sudan, the man who was wont to say, “ You know, the real Governor-Gen­ eral of the Sudan is God.” True, General Gordon was a military man— and perhaps this fact accounts for the attitude taken to­ ward him in some quarters today—but he knew the Lord Jesus Christ intimately and lived sacrificially for others. He accepted his post in Africa as an opportunity to bring laio and order to a distressed land and to break the cruel power of the slave- raiders. His service cost him his life at Khartoum. Granted that the efforts of Calvin at Geneva and o f Cromwell in England were

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