King's Business - 1938-01


January, 1938

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

through His -written Word, the Bible, is denied and ridiculed. If you consider attending a denomina­ tional institution, be sure to discover whether it actually upholds the historic be­ liefs of that denomination. If it has devi­ ated, as have many churches themselves, then be honest with yourself and your Lord by admitting its deficiency. If you are certain beyond any doubt that it is the Lord’s will that you enter a college or uni­ versity that is not true to His Word, be sure that you are fully aware of the dan­ gers prevalent in a school which in name only honors the Word of God and His Son. Make special provision for Bible study and prayer that will supply the lack of spiritual help in the classroom. God requires us to discriminate between the true and the false, and to seek that instruction which will build us up in the faith, strengthen us, and establish us in Him that we might be better witnesses for Him. Many schools which were founded by denominational leaders of unquestioned scholarship and godliness several decades or even centuries ago have lamentably de­ parted from the “ faith which was once for all delivered” (Jude 3, R. V .). Several fac­ tors explain this trend in modern education. Some church colleges have been honey­ combed within by faculty members who, proclaiming false philosophy and modern theology, have debilitated th . fiber of the school by propagating errors in doctrinal teaching of the W ord of God. Further­ more, certain colleges founded by evan­ gelical churches have been assisted more re­ cently with huge gifts from large secular organizations which stipulated that their aid presupposed a forfeiting of some of the “ antiquated” tenets of the original organiza­ tion. Many institutions have succumbed to a proposition of this kind. In these cases the denomination has lost its control, and yet for many years the school’s reputation as a denominational college clings to it. The school continues to offer courses in Bible and religious education— courses that under “ liberal” teachers are more deadly than the bold and recognizable atheism of the state universities. But pastors and lay­ men of the church continue to send their sons and daughters to a college that no longer truly honors the Son of God. —E. E. W . II. C ollege P roblems Several books and pamphlets have been written by evangelical Christian men who are well informed concerning the modern campus situation. Although not all of them contain material directly related to the denominational colleges, T he K ing ’ s B usiness believes that the following will be helpful to young people faced with questions pertaining to higher education. 1. Confessions of a College Professor, by S. J. Bole. The Biola Book Room. Paper, 35 cents. Written by a professor of biology, H elps fo r the Leader I. W h y C olleges C h a n g e


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this booklet tells how, in earlier years, “ I was lured into rationalism, and how I came out at the cost of my university posi­ tion, only to find conditions even worse in a denominational college!” From his own experience he contrasts the type o f denomi­ national college where skepticism reigns with a sound school, where the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word are honored in prin­ ciple and practice. 2 . Problems of the Christian College Stu­ dent, by J. A. Morris Kimber. The Biola Book Room. Paper, 25 cents. Dealing candidly with the problems facing the earn­ est Christian young person who desires to receive higher education and at the same time conserve his faith, this booklet offers concrete suggestions and information re­ garding the type of college to attend and precautions necessary to maintaining a vital relationship with the Lord while there. Daily prayer and Bible study and Chris­ tian fellowship are the chief means of stimulating growth in grace. 3. Crucifying Christ in Our Colleges, by Dan Gilbert. The Danielle Publishers, 5472 Gilbert Drive, San Diego, Calif. Paper, 75 cents. Although Dr. Gilbert’s purpose is to expose the rampant atheism and moral depravity of state and private colleges, much that he says is applicable to certain denominational schools, where in a subtle, disguised manner, the faith of Christian students is torn down. Doubt concerning the verity of the W ord of God is the root cause of all the moral rotten­ ness prevalent in universities today, and its seeds are germinating rapidly in schools bearing names of denominations.

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