King's Business - 1938-01

January, 1938


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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FACING OLD CATHAY AND W AR [ Continued from page 7]

November 24 Cablegram received at Los Angeles from Mr. Roberts: BOMBED. SAFE. [M r. Roberts had written previously that the sending of the above message would convey the information that the city of Changsha was bombed, but that the Insti­ tute personnel and buildings remained un­ harmed. Using the language of Mr. Rob­ erts’ letter, we may give thanks that it has pleased the Lord to answer the “ prayers of friends at home” and keep “safe in the midst of danger” those in the Hunan Bible Institute who labor in His name. How much greater need for prayer is apparent as one becomes conscious of the great spiritual need in that land and of the pres­ ent opportunity for evangelism!] “ THIS BRIGHTENING PATH OF PAIN” [ Continued from page 10] new to him. I found that he caught the marvel of it in a way that shamed me at times. I was explaining about the five kinds of rewards, and read to him the verse: “ Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness . . .” His eyes grew bigger and bigger, and at last he fairly gasped, “ Oh, are there going to be crowns toof I should think it would be enough just to save our souls I” There is so much we who are the Lord’s can do. I have long had the habit of praying for those whose stories of sin and sorrow are spread all over the pages of our newspapers, even for the murderers await­ ing execution. And of course, I pray for all Christian work and workers everywhere. Then there is that very quiet work of grace. All summer I have thrilled to a miracle in our back yard. W e had a sapling fig tree, only knee high. W e poured on the water, and it drank it in and spread its little branches to catch the sun­ shine. I took such pride in it and would stroke its straight strong trunk and limbs so unlike my twisted body. It grew so quietly, never a sound or a stir, yet now it is six feet tall, and this fall gave us largess of gifts, great fat figs bursting with their own sweetness. So we, on quiet beds of pain, may drink in His Word, and open our hearts to His Holy Spirit until we too bear fruit. It is such a blessing to know) that God makes no mistakes, that this illness is not something that just happened to me. “ Shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He hath no understanding?” No, the enduring is mine, to be sure, but the re­ sponsibility for it is entirely His, and what a difference that makes! Nothing can even touch the child of God without His per­ missive will. It is not necessary for me to know the reasons, for they are safe with our dear Lord, “ in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” I am no wise theologian, but I have thought that surely God will be glad when this is all over and He will no longer have to watch His children suffer, when all tears will be wiped from our eyes, and a song put upon our lips. Until then cannot we “ endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,” and spare Him the sound of our wailing?

ting that the power of the gospel is only to be found in the preaching of the death and resurrection of Christ the Son of God. October 15 W e little thought that soon after our re­ turn to China we should be busy with preparations against attack from the air. But such is the case. While missionary work has been seriously disrupted in many parts of the country, yet in Hunan we are able to carry on to a certain extent. And now our peace is being disturbed, espe­ cially along this famous Canton to Hankow railway line, on which line the city of Changsha is situated. In the past ten days we have had three air-raid alarms. Happily, in each case the Japanese planes failed to put in an appear­ ance, and after two or more hours of wait­ ing, the “ all clear” signal was given. I have had a large American flag painted on the top of the flat roof of our Institute auditorium. In addition, we raise another flag on the Administration Building as soon as the alarm of a raid is given. However, of all the Mission sites in Changsha ours is perhaps in the most vulnerable position, our Institute compound being only a third of a mile from the main railway station. Thus far, the closest the planes have come to our city is a point on the railway line thirty miles south, the railway junction of Chuchow. This place was badly smashed up. Another town to the south of Chuchow, Hengchow, was also badly damaged at the railway station and other places. It seems certain that we shall in turn receive a visit from the Japanese planes. “Dugoutsfli! are being prepared by rich and poor alike, and on our lovely com­ pound we are making like preparations. Although our Administration Building is of reenforced concrete construction, it is feared that should a bomb be dropped near us, the concussion would be so great that those in the building might suffer serious injury. As we have a few Chinese women and children and also one foreign woman here at the Institute, we have decided to build a large dugout. W e have dug down ten feet and are building up the sides and put­ ting on a concrete cover one foot thick with another foot of granite slab and sandbags and earth on top of that! It will at least give us some protection from flying missiles. W e shall indeed appreciate the prayers of the friends at home that we may be kept safe in the midst of danger.

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