King's Business - 1938-01

T H É K I N D ’ S B U S I N E S S

January, 1938

G ir ls ' Q ue ry Corner Conducted by M y r t l e E. S co tt

are burdened constitute the mission field for which your Father has been preparing you. Why not organize an interdenominational Christian fejlowship and Bible study club for the young people of your community? Meet some week night at an hour that does not interfere with any regular meeting of the churches. In this way you could reach young people of all the churches and could help them to go back better equipped to serve where they are members. Be careful to give a constructive, positive message in your Bible teaching, leading to personal faith and consecration to the Lord Jesus Christ. This work is being done with marked success and great blessing in a variety of places— among nurses in hos­ pitals, university students, high-school stu­ dents, and business young people. If you would be interested in attempt­ ing for the Lord a service of this kind, I would be glad to offer more detailed sug­ gestions if you care to write to me. The need is so urgent today! F A M IL Y C IR C L E adds that only twenty-four hours later he slipped away to the Lord Jesus. The father of the little one died in September as a result of injuries from a motor-car accident. T o members of the Institute fam­ ily, Mrs. Morgan’s testimony in the letter telling of the baby’s death will come with a special message: “ I had him in my arms for ten minutes; and, oh, how precious those moments were— it seemed impossible to bear the agony of giving him up, but God has wonderfully sustained and kept me and I am thankful that my own life has been spared, for it seemed once or twice that I might not be able to keep on, but I am gaining strength and am grateful for the improvement and for the grace He gives to face the future without the two I loved so much.” Mrs. Morgan may be ad­ dressed at 1465 N. W . Ninth Ave., Miami, Fla. B o r n T o Eugene A. ( ’28) and Mrs. Crapu- cbettes (W inifred Kopp, ’28), a son, Bruce Emile, Dec. 9, Seattle, Wash. T o Percy B. (’26) and Mrs. Crawford, a son, Donald Bruce, Nov. 16, Philadelphia, Pa. T o Vincent L. and Mrs. Crossett (M ar­ garet R. Elliott, ’26), a daughter, Virginia

Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication. Dear Miss Scott:

be the place you would choose for fellow­ ship, but at times soldiers of the cross are shut up to the Lord alone for fellowship. If your own life is radiant with Christian love and zeal,. ..your example and leader­ ship will do much, by the grace of God, to point many to the joy and reality of the Christian life separated unto the Lord. Re­ member that the Holy Spirit knew what the condition of the present-day church would be when He inspired the words: “ Not for­ saking the assembling of ourselves to­ gether” (Heb. 10:25). Perhaps the young people for whom you The Bible Institute S AMUEL FISK spoke to the members of the Student Missionary Union on the evening of December 9. On the following day, he sailed for the Philippines under the auspices of the Association of Baptists for Evangelism in the Orient. He is to teach Bible Doctrine in the Manila Bible Institute, where his address will be 401 Pennsylvania Ave., Manila, P. I. Mrs. Charles Roberts (Grace M. Pike, ’21) and children, who were en route to China when, the bombardment of Shanghai began, proceeded by steamer to South China, going to Hongkong. As the Hunan Bible Institute in Changsha, where Mr. Roberts is serving as Treasurer, is in a more dangerous location, Mrs. Roberts and the children have found it necessary to take a small flat in Hongkong until they can rejoin Mr. Roberts. Elden C. ( ’24) and Mrs. Whipple ( ’29), members of the China Inland Mission, left the interior of China with their three chil­ dren in October for return to America for furlough and were wonderfully guided through the war zone; Their address has been 139 Cable St., Bellingham, Wash., but they have planned to go early in January to the China Inland Mission headquarters, 237 W . School Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Kenneth Richard Morgan (L. Martha Holloway, ’31), writes of the birth of her son, Kenneth Richard, on November 8, and

M y problem is concerning what I should do about church membership. I took some Bible School training expecting to go to the foreign field, but the Lord led differ­ ently, and now I find myself in an almost heathen land here at home. There is not a real live church to be found in the town where I am now living. M y own denomi­ nation has a definitely modernistic preacher — and likes it. Another church has a minis­ ter who is true to the Word, I guess, but who is not very much alive, and the church is extremely worldly. Should I go to my own denomination (be­ cause of past association, my heart aches at the thought of leaving), should I attend the worldly congregation, or should I separate myself from them all? M y heart is burdened for the young peo­ ple, and I should like to help them, but I scarcely know how. The town is small, but there are many young people, and, so far as I know, nothing is being done that is very helpful spiritually in any of the churches.—P uzzled . Dear “Puzzled” : Many today are facing your problem in regard to church membership. When it is a question of standing for a denomination or for the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, there cannot be much of a question as to what our choice should be. Surely we can­ not support or fellowship with those who fail to honor our Lord and His Word. We learn in 2 Timothy 3:5 what our attitude is to be: “ From such turn away.” When there is hope of saving a church from threatened apostasy, believers no doubt will be led to remain and vjork to win the bat­ tle for the Lord. But never should we give up to acquiesce to “ another gospel” ' (Gal. 1:6-8) for denominational sentiment or in order to avoid unpleasantness. W e must take our stand boldly— firmly but in a Christlike manner. You refer to a worldly church with a minister “true to the Word but not very much alive.” If he is true to the Word, he no doubt is much grieved over the worldli­ ness of the congregation. It may be that the Lord is wanting to send you to be a help and inspiration there. It would not

If you Want a R E A L Sunday School Tomorrow FREE: Sample copies of previous quarters (specify departments) sent on request to pas­ tors, superintendents and teachers. Compen­ dium of 624 lessons included for 10c in stamps or coins toward postage. You must teach the BIBLE Today! Then why not “ ALL BIBLE ” in 1938 with T h e A L L B I B L E G R A D E D S E R I E S o f S U N D A Y S C H O O L L E S S O N S THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, 8 0 0 North C la rk S treet, Dept. K B , CHICAGO, ILL .

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