King's Business - 1938-01

Special Features In FEBRUARY Issue • THE FOUR GREAT POWERS OF THE END-TIME Is the political and military power of the modern world arranging itself around the four conflicting centers fore­ cast in Biblical prophecies of the end- time ? . . . What is the central and underlying philosophy which appears beneath the external clash of these four different political systems? DEADLY POISON GAS IN TAX- SUPPORTED SCHOOLS Is it true that more than one-half of the students who enter leading Ameri­ can universities as “ Christians” become agnostics or atheists before they are graduated? . . . . Is it true that every year more than 3 6 ,0 0 0 girls lose their virginity while attending American col­ leges and universities? . . . . What ac­ tion can aroused parents take? DAN GILBERT— young, brilliant, mili­ tant in the cause of righteousness— writes fearlessly concerning “ a means of outlawing subversive teachings from tax-supported schools.” • THE PERIL OF “ADJUSTING” THE SCRIPTURES What about “ policemen” who come along with an air of ordering you off private property, just when you are making some precious promise of God ’s Word your own, and who tell you it was meant solely for somebody else? . . . . What is to be done for Christians who suffer from the double error of making the Scriptures fit their own explanations on the one hand or their own experiences on the other? A L V A J. M cCLAIN discusses the rea­ sons that this philosophy sooner or later in every place must engage true Chris­ tianity in deadly and uncompromising conflict. His article is the second in the Prophetic S y m p o s iu m directed by LOUIS S. BAUM AN .

Year-Round Job;

OUR NEW FOUR-POINT PROGRAM ( 1 ) You will be paid 8 0 cents each for sending us 10 annual subscriptions to THE KING ’S BUSINESS sold at $ 1 .5 0 . ( 2 ) You will be paid 75 cents each for sending 3 to 9 annual subscriptions. ( 3 ) No single subscriptions at 75 cents (except through club organizer) accepted after February 1, 1938 . ( 4 ) A s AN ATTRACT IVE ALTERNAT IVE to offers 1 and 2 above, and to assist club organizers, these organizers are authorized to accept and mail single subscriptions on a REDUCED PRO R A T A BASIS for the remaining months of club year at any time after their club is organized. See table on op­ posite page. P ROMPTLY with the mailing o f the November, 1937, issue o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness that announced the new winter offer, the tide o f renewal subscriptions to the magazine began to pour in upon us. Please read on the opposite page the group o f extracts from letters in our correspondence. They will give you a kaleidoscopic picture o f the hearts and minds o f our readers and will show vividly the reasons that move us in extend­ ing the period o f the great club price reduction (from $1.50 to 75 cents fo r single subscriptions in clubs o f 3 to 9, and to 70 cents in clubs o f 10 or m ore). These letters reveal the blessing that T he K ing ’ s B usiness is bringing to many thousands o f homes scattered all over the nation, and indeed all over the world. As the “ Bible Family Magazine,” T he K ing ’ s B usiness meets the need o f Christian parents and their children fo r an evangelical magazine that will bring fresh Bible-cen­ tered messages into the home each month. F or mission­ aries, Sunday-school workers, young people’s leaders, young Christians, and the unsaved, this magazine through its various departments has its own unique ministry. That the circle o f readers may be enlarged fo r the sake o f a widening sphere o f blessing is the prayer o f those o f us who are engaged in sending forth this magazine.

VANCE HAVNER, in his discussion of the subject, declares that he is “ not so much afraid of modernistic doubt from without^ as of fundamentalist unbelief from w ithin/'

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