King's Business - 1938-01

E A R N >$.00 or MORE (For Easy Part-Time Work) Monthly During 1938

From a Missionary Recipient o f a Club Subscription Bolivia, S. A . I do thank God for THE KING’S BUSINESS which comes each month. Here where my fellow worker and 1 never have the opportunity to hear a sermon of any kind, such a magazine is indeed a source of blessing and in­ spiration. W e are living at an altitude of 13,000 feet, working among the Que- chua Indians, descendants of the an­ cient Incas. W e are about three days on horseback from the railroad and get our mail only twice a month, and then have to send an Indian for it. So every other mail brings my KING’S BUSINESS, which is more than most subscribers can say. —A.R. Buys “ Silent Adviser” with “ The King’s Business” W est Pittston, Pa. Enclosed is a money order for full subscription price for THE KING'S BUSINESS, and 30 cents additional which covers the cost of a “ Silent Adviser** [the filled receptacle for tracts and Scripture portions] under the terms of your special offer. Thank you. — R. W . • Adds Ten Names to a List Ashland, K y. I desire to add the following ten names to m y list of ten subscribers, which I sent you on October 5, 1937. — E. H . G. • Renews Entire List Honolulu, T . H . I sent you ten names for a club for the year- 1937. Please send to these same persons for the year 1938, with the one change of address noted. — G. S. B. • Two Grandsons Remembered Prospect, Pa. A week ago I sent $1.00 to you and asked you to send THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS to my grandson, for his twelfth birthday. Today I received your time- limited offer to give TH E KING’S BUSINESS for 75 cents a year. I am enclosing 50 cents to add to the $1.00 so that you can send the magazine to another grandson in Pittsburgh, Pa. This is another birthday gift. — F . P. C. • The Mother o f Our Youngest Salesman Writes Us Yakim a, W ash. I am enclosing $1.05 for the first ten magazines sold this month by our boy, Teddy [her nine-year-old son ]. He misses no opportunity to sell them from day to day. I really think twenty copies a month are sufficient to keep him busy. In this terrific weather he is not able to sell them on the streets, so must depend upon customers and friends. _ __ — M rs. P. K. • Why W e Keep the Price Down Tacoma, W ash. I was glad to see that you will send THE KING'S BUSINESS again at a reduced rate, as 1 thought 1 would have to stop my subscription, not hav­ ing been able to get work; but with this arrangement I will take it another year, when perhaps times will be bet­ ter. P. S. W ill do what I can to get more subscribers. '■■-O. A . S.

A Business and a Service Combined You can have as many as 3 classes of members in each c lu b - fa ) Friends, relatives, and Christian workers to whom you wish to give a subscription, paying for it your­ self. (b ) Sunday-school teachers and fellow church members, to whom you may wish to give the full benefit o f the price reduction. (c) Others who may be secured as regular subscribers and who pay the full price of $1.50. Thus your K ing ’ s B usiness Club will grow, shedding a blessing upon an increasing number of readers from year to year. • Club Subscription Rate Table (Based on Clubs of 10 or More, Showing How Subscriptions May Be Prorated to Date o f Club Renewal) No. of Months You You Send Ordered Collect Us 1 $ .12 $ .05 2 .25 .10 3 .37 .15 4 .50 .21 5 .62 .27 6 .75 .33 7 .87 .39 8 1.00 .45 9 1.12 .51 10 1.25 .58 11 1.37 .64 12 1.50 .70 E X AM P LE : A person subscribing in January, 1938. for a subscription to be added to a Club of Ten that was organized in December, 1937, would pay the club organizer $1.37 [for an eleven-months* subscription; see table above] in­ stead of $1.50. Your commission as organizer would be 73 cents (the difference between $1.37 and $.64) instead of 80 cents, and the subscrip­ tion would come up for renewal with all your other subscriptions in December of^ 1938. Special circular describing proration plan sent upon request. , Add 25 cents for each Canadian or foreign subscription.

Special Notice Just one month remains of our limited offer for single subscriptions. They are now and for all of January available at 75 cents per year. After February 1, this price reverts to $1.50. Club organizers, however, can con­ tinue sending annual subscriptions at 75 cents (70 cents in clubs o f 10) for the whole year, or THEY MAY TAKE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR SHORTER PERIODS on a PRO RATA basis after that date, as shown in the table below. This latter arrangement will prove a great assistance to them in mak­ ing a large list each year, and build­ ing up a worth-while club in a short time. Club Terms Easy How easy it is to start a club un­ der our present terms! You begin your work by sending in a single subscription at 75 cents for a whole year, and with your subscription you ask for samples and other supplies. After these are sent, you begin your work among friends, fellow church members and other associ­ ates, sending in additional prorated members for your club all through the year to come. Fix a Definite Date for Your Club By fixing a definite date for re­ newal of your club, and prorating late comers to that date (see Rate Table on this page), you can increase your club from month to month. Then when renewal time comes in the fall or winter of 1938-9 (on the date fixed by yourself), you can by mailing a single list renew the whole group.


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