King's Business - 1949-05

Biblical Coinage «5* Again, after nearly 2,000 years, the ancient coinage of the Old Testament is to be circulated. The last of the real Hebrew coins were minted in A.D. 131 by Barchocebas who revolted against the Romans under Titus. The new silver shekels, pteks and gerahs, will be made in Britain by the Imperial Chem­ ical Industries. News of the restora­ tion of this Biblical money was dis­ closed in London recently when the Israeli government placed the contract with the British firm. On the coins will be two of the ancient Hebrew emblems, a bunch of grapes and the lamp with eight candles. All of which unmistakably points for­ ward to an event for which every Christian heart yearns—the coronation of Israel’s long-awaited King. End of the World! Recent news dispatches relate details of a minor panic gripping the rural areas of Western Germany caused by rumors of the coming end of the world. These reports resulted from a much- publicized prediction of an unknown astrologer to the effect that the end of the world was imminent. While most city people went about their work un­ concernedly, reports from Bavaria indi­ cated that country folk were flocking to the churches and making their wills. Altars were erected in homes, and churches were jammed with people who prayed for hours, and refused to be calmed by the religious leaders. Students of the Bible know that the end of the world must be preceded by many events still future, the first of which is the personal return of Christ for His church. However, this thrilling occurrence will set in motion a series of tremendous happenings creating a vor­ tex which will eventually engulf the world and bring an end to time. In view of all this, the Scriptures are in­ sistent that now is the day of salvation. The coming of Christ may be nearer than we think. Throne Pretenders The new government of Israeli is con­ fronted with a different sort of a. problem. It seems there are now two pretenders to the as yet non - existent throne of David. They are Samuel Skolnik, a Jerusalem dentist, who is a major in the Israeli Army medical corps and who has formed what amounts to a small Monarchist party. At a Galilean army post, he secured the signatures of 105 Israeli soldiers, calling for a restora­ tion of the monarchy. Along with this document young Skolnik proclaimed himself as Michael I, King of Israel. The other claimant is Dr. Olsbanger, an official of the Jewish National Fund. The doctor claims a line of somewhat direct descent from King David who ruled about 1,000 B.C. The Scriptures describe another Claim­ ant to Israel’s throne who was born a King, and crucified a King, hut who has Page Fourteen

William W . Orr, D.D.

attendance. If American homes would again teach these old-fashioned princi­ ples, a world of both money and heart­ ache would be saved! 200 Only «S* Quite recently a man famous as a host and philanthropist died. His home was the scene of literally hundreds of gath­ erings. His friends were supposed to be numbered in the thousands. His gifts had been constant and generous. His name as a radio manufacturer was almost a household word, yet, as he lay in a camellia-draped coffin, only a paltry 200 friends gathered for the final good-bye. Noticeably absent were the thousands which he had befriended. Presumably forgotten were the many gay occasions which he had sponsored. All of which goes to say a volume in regard to the fleeting character of earthly fame. Splendid advice was given by Christ as He admonished us to lay up treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal, and where every piece of true Christian service is remembered, even to the giving of a cup of cold water in Christ’s Name. Don't Pamper Dr. C. Charles Burlingame is a down- to-earth psychiatrist who believes in bringing up children with old-fashioned precepts. Shall we spank them? Dr. Burlingame says, “Yes, when it is not done to vent an adult’s temper.” Abso­ lutely wrong he thinks is the “ lollipop technique” some parents employ as they say, “ Don’t do that, and, if you don’t, I’ll give you a lollipop.” The trouble with this technique is that in adult life there is no one around to hand out the candy. While the good doctor has not quoted Scripture, it advocates these very same stem disciplinary measures for recalci­ trant young ones. Sometimes it brings a smile as we notice God’s insistence in Proverbs 23:13, 14 where even though corporal punishment be meted out (in the proper place of course), it is prom­ ised that the child shall not die. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

not as yet reigned on David’s throne. The day may not be far distant when He will be crowned the true King of Israel. Simpler Funerals «ft A recent article in the Christian Her­ ald pointed a stern editorial finger at some of the pagan aspects of commer­ cialized funerals. Not only have funeral costs advanced greatly and competition become much keener among morticians, but the Christian principles of the sim­ ple laying away of the body to await the resurrection day have been almost sub­ merged by the efforts to make the de­ ceased lifelike, to produce soft, tearful music, and expensive floral pieces. The Herald advises Christians: “ Re­ fuse embalming; keep coffins simple and inexpensive; exclude floral tributes; do away with public funerals—holding only simple, brief religious services at the home, and at the grave; dispense with long parades of rented limousines; for further expression of sentiment, resort to church memorial services later on.” Gristly Rehabilitation In California as well as in other states there are prison schools which are not penitentiaries. The following figures have to do with one of these schools for teen-agers. The girls are serving time for murder, forgery, armed robbery, as­ sault and battery. The theory under trial is that of allowing the inmates as much liberty as possible and of providing suit­ able work to endeavor to make them once more fit members of society. Yet this training is exceedingly costly. The State of California must pay $2,645.00 a year for each girl in this school. There is no doubt as to the value of this rehabili­ tation work, but the total cost is a stag­ gering figure, especially when much of this criminality could have been pre­ vented in the first place. By far the greatest deterrent to a life of crime is a solemn acknowledgment of man’s respon­ sibility to God, and a consistent attend­ ance upon the means of grace, namely: Bible reading, daily prayer and church

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