King's Business - 1949-05

A n n o u n c i n g . . .

BIDLA SUMMER SCHOOL June 2 0 -July 29, 1949 A | ^ HE Bible Institute of Los Angeles is offering an un­ usually attractive course for its Summer School. With -1- an outstanding faculty and excellent facilities, provision is being made for a large attendance of Christian workers and Bible students. Ministers will be particularly interested in the refresher courses in Bible Exposition, Greek Exegesis, Parish

Problems, Systematic Theology and Anthropology. For teachers there is a fine course in practice teaching. A unique course in Library Science for the classification of books, etc. will be offered, and valuable music courses in class work and private lessons. The studies in Typology'and Exposition will be helpful to all Christians. Write Immediately fo r Information COST: No Tuition. Charge REGISTRATION FEE: For Credit: $10.00 for term For Auditing: $2.00 weekly (Maximum $6) ROOMS per month: Single: $22.50, Double: $14.50 per person THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES The Superintendent o f Men (or Women) 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES 13, CALIFORNIA

PORTRAIT O F A CHR IST IAN MOTHER ( Continued, on Page 21) came, and “Miss” trusted God rather than becoming bitter and moody. Per­ haps it was the day that she went to show a neighbor her lovely new baby, and turning down the covers, found her dead, that she took for her life’s motto Romans 8:28: “ For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” One hot summer’s day, exactly one week before one hundred and twenty fine hogs were to be shipped to market— hogs that “ Miss” and her cowboy had considered the answer to their prayers —one of the animals appeared ill. When the veterinarian came, he said the dread word: “ cholera.” There was hope that the others would escape, and there were prayers that if it pleased God He would protect them, but it pleased Him instead to mold “Miss” and the cowboy accord­ ing to a better plan. In the unhappy mornings to follow, “Miss” stood by and watched while the cowboy piled up the bodies of the hogs that had died during the previous night, poured kerosene over them, and struck a match. While tears rolled down their cheeks, as thousands of hard-won dollars billowed up into smoke, “Miss” put her arms around the cowboy and declared: “ Romans 8:28 is (Continued on Page 21) T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

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Heart Cry

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to American Christians from s p ir it u a lly and physically hungry GREEKS

50,000 New Testaments, in modern Greek, contributed by the Million Testaments Campaigns, are being shipped to Greece— the first Greek Testaments containing the plan of salvation. Every member of Parliament will receive a copy, as will many other Government officials, University and high school students, business leaders, army personnel and civilians will receive G od's Word in language all can understand. One communist prison camp where these Testaments were handed out has become a Bible School, with a spiritual revolution in full progress. Here, truly, is a mighty miracle. A Second Miracle Is Needed — F O O D What but a miracle can provide this Spring 10,000 urgently needed Faith Food Packages at $10.00 each to save the lives of war-ravaged, starving Greeks? Consider their plight.

Beside herself with grief, this poor woman has just buried father, mother, husband and two sons, killed by com­ munists in Macedonia in a recent raid.

O f the 7,000,000 population, 2,000,000 have tuberculosis; 700,000 are homeless refugees from guerrilla-war areas, allowed 7 cents a day by the Government— the price of one slice of bread; 400,000 are orphan children; 2,500,000 are unemployed, with no prospect of work. Our package is called FAITH P A C K A G E because in addition to nourishing food it contains a Greek New Testament and other Christian literature. Distribution of these packages and of the 50,000 New Testaments will be made under the personal supervision of our missionaries. The Gospel will go with the food. W ill you pray, then act— as churches, as families, as individuals? Ours Is a World-Wide Ministry to Greeks- —Through Bible and New Testament distribution here and in Greece. —Through missionaries in the field. —Through our monthly magazine, The Voice of the Gospel, the largest and most influential Greek evangelical publication. —Through distribution of thousands of tracts. —Through Gospel messages in leading Greek newspapers in New York and Athens. This is the first time in Greek history that such messages have been published in the Greek press. Send for our free 8-page quarterly, G REEK HARVEST G LE AN IN G S. The American Committee for the Evangelization of the Greeks Write: 156 Fifth Avenue, Dept. K, New York 10, N. Y.

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