King's Business - 1949-05

----- V ISUAL A ID S Our Supply Depot specializes in Visual Aids: Flannel boards; Backgrounds (19 styles in stock) Object lessons; Flannel- graph Figures and a complete stock of visualized Bible lessons. Visit the Depot or write: Child Evangelism Fellowship of Southern California, Inc. 427 W . 5th St., Rm. 513 Los Angeles 13, Calif. M A G I C A L V I Z E T T E S • Simple to Use! • D-R-A-W -S Crowds! 0 Wins Decisions! Complete Set— 10 Lessons—$7.50 Lessons sold separately—write for list. Sample Lesson— A S U R E FO U ND ATIO N— 50c Place two glasses upside down on Bible— turn upside down! Glasses cling! V IS U A L LA B O R A T O R IE S 1174 S. Harvey Ave., Oak Park, HI. (Complete line of Gospel Films and Projectors!) L INDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE CO LLEG E A N D SEM INARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FO R VETERANS Dormitory Housing for Both Married and Single Students Available Immediately SAN D IE G O II ' * C A U F O R N A YOU CAN W IN SOULS TO CHRIST WITH GOSPEL FILMS Send for free booklet today explaining. It will be a revelation to you. Also free booklet describing the revolutionary lifetime M IRACLE SOUND PROJECTOR that does not wear out; quiet as a clock; needs no oiling; has no belte; needs no servicing; trouble-proof. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS» Sunnyside Avenue, Wheaton, 111. Suppose It Is True After All? What Then? THIS ARRESTING TRACT 50c PER 100. Are You Old Enough? A new one 50c per 100 Samples on request. 3#!% " CELLOPHANE, assorted colors, 1000 sheets, $2.00; 500 sheets $1.00. Carleton E. Null, P. O. Box 599, Oakland 4, Calif. to any evangelical Christian Minister, ■ ■ 1 C E E Sunday School or Missionary Superin­ tendent, one copy of "TAKE ,NO THOUGHT" for each family in his congregation, pro­ viding he will agree to give a talk on TITHING before distribution. Write stating number of leaflets desired to D.V.B.S. WINS KIDS ILL U ST R A T E T H E M E SSA G E W ITH

June 5, 1949 SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE Neh. 4:1-6; Col. 3:23-25 Efforts Among Children Matt. 19:14 House-to-House Ministry Mark 16:15

There is a growing movement through­ out the States for giving the gospel in the home. Those who refuse admittance to God’s servants are in the minority. The summer time is best for this. Doors are open; there is an abandonment to repose and ease; there is a willingness to listen to the Word. The Christian who really wishes to serve the risen Christ and is willing to be led by the Holy Spirit, will find many homes like that of Cornelius where friends will gladly listen to the precious gospel of God’s grace, and trust the lovely Lord of glory. Tract Distribution Matt. 13:34 The summer offers unusual opportuni­ ties for distributing the Word of God through tracts. The parks are filled with persons who seek rest and repose from the burden of the home. Around the shuf- fleboard are many with nothing to do. Thousands attend games, and tracts may be given to those arriving or leaving. Summer resorts are filled with people looking for something to do or something to read. Friends sitting on their porches gladly welcome the visitor with some­ thing attractive to occupy the mind. Thus the seed is sown and lives are blessed. A QUIZ FOR MOTHER’S DAY Place Mothers and Sons (Answers on Page 20) 1. Elisabeth................................Solomon 2. Eve ....................................... Timothy 3. Hannah ......................................Jacob 4. Sarah....................... John the Baptist 5. Hagar ..........................................Obed 6. Bath-sheba ..................................Abel 7. Ruth .................................... Isaac 8. Rebekah ................V............ ••-Jacob 9. Asenath ..................................Ishmael 10. Eunice ..............................Manasseh —Vernon Howard in Lively Bible Quizzes. T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

The streets and vacant lots are full of children playing. The offer of a bag of peanuts will soon gather them around the Christian worker to learn choruses, to hear the Scriptures illustrated and expounded, or to see the felt - o - graph lessons. It is very easy to win boys and girls. It is not so easy to find Christians who want to win them. Sunday school teachers should be constantly gathering them on the street corners, or out in the yard or on the beach, to present in a wise and gracious manner the lovely Saviour and His work. The Summer Camp Mark 6:31 Camps for boys and girls and for men and women are springing up throughout the country. Many of them for young people are operated by the YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and others where much is said about good deeds, but very little about the gospel of God or the Bible. Here is a wonder­ ful opportunity. Hearts are receptive. They are in a good atmosphere where there is plenty of quiet time for medi­ tation. These camps last one or two weeks so a constructive work may be accomplished day after day during the period. May the Lord raise up gospel heralds for these camps. While the harvest is on, laborers are needed. This is true every day in the year. There are more opportunities out­ doors in the summer than in the winter, but opportunities abound constantly. After we are saved, we are no longer “ of the world.” Our faces are heaven­ ward; our hearts belong to Christ. Every­ where in the summer we can see lost men and women evading Christ and neg­ lecting their soul’s welfare by every possible means. God’s people as “ lights” and “ ambassadors” must use every op­ portunity to win them to the Saviour. When we get to heaven, we will be glad for every effort we made for the salva­ tion of souls.

TITHER, 417-K So. Hill St. Los Angeles 13, California

In SVE qlass binders— $21.25 Send for FREE SAMPLE SLIDE and lists. Inquiries invited from Christian book stores. FRED VISSER I39*A S. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles 4, Calif. Page Eighteen

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