King's Business - 1949-05

Christ Is the Remedy for Drinking 2 Cor. 5:17 When the Saviour comes in, liquor goes out. When the Holy Spirit takes charge of a life, He cleans the house and fills it with the divine attributes of heaven. Liquor offers joy, but Christ is the one who really gives it. The effects of liquor soon pass and more must be im­ bibed. The effects of salvation are per­ manent and grow in blessedness and usefulness with the passing days. Liquor makes one obnoxious to others, but Christ makes one attractive to others. Liquor demands the money that belongs to the home, while Christ gives power to get wealth, and enables one’s life with all its gifts to be preserved for eternity. ing profit to others. Petting leads away from God and is inimical to every grace of heaven. Petting Is the Gateway to Crime Jas. 4:4 The unrestrained emotions exhibited in petting lead to deceit in the classroom and in the social life. Petting leads to carelessness in behavior and actual cruel­ ty in demanding the right to do it. It leads to a denial of the rights of others, and a rebellion against the laws of any institution or organization which pro­ tests against it. It arouses the passions that lead to adultery, fornication, li­ centiousness, and other forms of immor­ ality. It manifests clearly that neither the Lord Jesus nor the Holy Spirit are ruling in the life. Petting Produces Carelessness 1 Cor. 7:32 The time element is one of the most valuable gifts we have. Petting disre­ gards the value of time and uses it for personal gratification. There is no end to it. It has no terminal facilities. Where both parties are agreeable, as is usually the case, neither one cares to stop, re­ gardless of what must be done tomorrow in the way of performing one’s duty and assuming life’s responsibilities. Petting disregards the laws of propriety, and has no interest in the observance of them. Petting leads to carelessness in regard to one’s relatives, carelessness in regard to duties, and carelessness in regard to the judgment day at the end of the journey. Elisabeth................John the Baptist E v e ............................................... Abel Hannah....................................Samuel Sarah ......................................... Isaac H a ga r..................................... Ishmael Bath-sheba ............................Solomon Ruth ............................................Obed Rebekah ..................................... Jacob Asenath............... Manasseh Eun ice................................... Timothy T H E K I N G 'S B U S I N E S S BIBLE M O TH ER S A N D SO N S (Continued from Page 18)

ousy with all of its consequences is aroused. Heartbreaks are never mended in the tavern. Liquor Leads Away From God Titus 2:12 No Bibles are seen where whiskey is served. No heads are bowed in prayer where cocktails prevail. Godly thoughts are not generated by gin. Christian actions do not result from drinking beer. Liquor of every kind turns the heart and mind from paths of holiness to ways of wretchedness. Sin and gin, whiskey and wickedness, are twin sisters which are inseparable. Wine, women, and song are not helpers on the way home to heaven, but are some of Satan’s tools to wreck the soul and the life. The problem of petting is really not a problem these days. The sin of self- expression is taught in our schools. It is lauded by the educators. It is promoted by the liquor interests, the tobacco clique, and the movies. Hardly a voice is raised against it by those in authority. Even the pulpit is almost silent on the subject. Millions of readers every month devour the novels and the magazines which promote all that accompanies petting. The moral tone of our country is sinking as it did in Greece and Rome. Petting Is a Temptation for Youth 2 Tim. 2:22 Satan knows that if he can obtain a hold on a young life it will usually re­ main his property until the grave. Pet­ ting is not practiced by old people. We do not see grey-headed grandfathers and grandmothers on park benches petting, or parked beside the road in an auto. Petting goes with youth and with lust and with physical desire. It is another expression of selfishness. The body de­ sires to gratify itself by contact with the opposite sex. Satan knows that it leads to ruin, and so public opinion has been changed by him. Petting Is a Lust of the Flesh Gal. 5:17 Petting does not help one to he more holy or more pure. It does not excite to a life of prayer or praise. It does not make one a better Christian or a better servant of God. It is not conducive to blessing in any form. It gives only momentary gratification. It is not one of the graces from heaven given by the Holy Spirit for pleasing God and bring­

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June 26, 1949 THIS PROBLEM OF PETTING 1 Cor. 6:19,20; 10:31

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