King's Business - 1949-05

I led her to Christ. She believed the gospel, and what joy there was for both of us, and the Lord, and the angels of heaven that day! As I hiked on into another logging camp that evening, I pondered on the faithfulness of God to answer prayer for souls, and to prepare hearts and lead His servants to them. PORTRAIT O F A CHR IST IAN MOTHER (Continued from Page 16) still true; all things [do] work together for good to them that love God.” Another day, I was resentful because I could not go with my big brother to dig fence post holes. Although I had been told “No,” I followed unnoticed behind him. He thought he would save a little time by climbing through the wire fence instead of going to the gate. As he stooped to go through the fence, the axe which he had slung over his shoulder, came right down into the top of my head. There was no time for hitching a team to the buggy and driving miles to the doctor, who was more likely to be away than to be home when one got there. “Miss” poured the gaping hole full of campho-phenique and patched it together with tape. As she tried to quiet her screaming baby, she remembered Ro­ mans 8:28. The seed of her complete

G O D AN SW ER S A L O N G THE TRAIL By Everett Bachelder, Biola '36 Fairbanks, Alaska

confidence in God took deep root, and has borne fruit in more lives than one can count. “Miss” says: “ I have only done the very best I could with God’s help.” Actu­ ally I believe that to be the simple, but magic, secret of her wonderful life. Do yeu wonder that Mother’s Day is more than just a sentimental occasion to me, my sisters and brothers, and all the lives “Miss” has blessed? CHRISTIANS SHOULD buy Bibles, Commentaries, Christian Books, Devotional Books, Bookmarks, Cards, and some «rood Christian gifts for their friends. Write us for one of our catalogs. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 13, California In the beautiful Northwest— "By the Pacific" CANNON BEACH BIBLE CONFERENCE July 16 through Labor Day Outstanding Speakers— Good Accommodations Rev. Archie McNeill Box 398, Cannon Beach, Oregon "To glorify Christ and Magnify His W ord"

Everett and his faithful helper T HE Lord has given me great joy in spreading His Word in the lumber camps. Pacing me now, though, was a long jaunt across the lava beds on the Northern California border. For miles I had hiked across hot and scorching formations, and now my water jug was empty. It was getting toward the heat of the day, and my pack felt mighty heavy. Suddenly I saw a sign reading “ WATER” and I followed the little trail only to find an empty, dry hole in the ground. I looked to the Lord, and con­ tinued hiking. Toward evening there was added to my extreme thirst, the shock of hunger. But ever afterward I recalled this experience with thanks­ giving, for I was thereby able to under­ stand something of the meaning of the verse: “ Blessed are they which do hun­ ger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matt. 5:6).

CLOSELY GRADED Comprehensive Coverage of the Bible Through Lessons Prepared for Each Ag e L ev e l ★ CHRIST CENTERED ★ MODERN IN METHODS ★ ALL BIBLE and ALL OF THE BIBLE ★ SCIENTIFIC ★ NOT DATED The purpose o f this fine Sunday School lesson series is to present the .Gospel o f Christ to each grade level and give a comprehensive knowledge o f the Bible. There is no waste o f material because lessons are not dated. Use /-> + left-over books next year with a new class. r

A close-up of Pinkie, the Gospel husky Before I slept under the stars that evening, I prayed for souls. I had not seen a single person for over a day. The next morning I hiked on in the strength of the Lord and arrived at a solitary ranch. A woman was sitting on the well, like the Samaritan woman! I was just about to ask for a drink when she asked me an astounding question: “ Could you please tell me, Sir, is there some way in which I could start life over again, and begin anew?” I forgot about my thirst and in a few moments M A Y , I 9 4 9



ft*Attractive Folder of detailed informa- tion outlining the content of Gospel Light Series

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'W of Sunday School Lessons. * General Sunday School Catalog

r * THE GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS 1443-A No. Vine Street, Hollywood 28, Calif. Page Twenty-one

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