King's Business - 1949-05

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Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A. K ent , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A llis O n A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

CHURCH BULLETINS Large Assortment— Self Selection Lithographed— Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples E C C LE SIA ST IC A L ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. Personalized Stationery Distinctive Printing on Quality Stock SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER 250 Noteheads ........... All for only 250 Envelopes .. $9.95 250 Personal Cards... * Postpaid W e print anything from a card to a book. A Christian institution. The SEQUOIA PUB. CO ., Inc. Dept. KB Orosi, California Songs Printed— Records Made Sell recordings of your talent at your meetings. W e make small or large quantity on break-re­ sistant records. Hymn-writers, have your songs set to music and printed. Phil Kerr, nationally famous hymn com­ poser and arranger, will help. ¡Prices reasonable. Write today . STACEY CHRISTIAN MUSIC P.O. Box 3214, Dept. K , Los Angeles 54, Calif. r *1/141 <1o4*e Now on Plastic at Popular Prices Best-loved Christian hymnsand songs nowbeautifully recorded on tough, durable plastic that is nonbreak- able in normal use.

can commit our case to the hands of a wise God who doeth all things well. Jesus, when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not! Let us pray for the same attitude when afflicted. Behold the Unbelieving Jews Surely man never appeared in darker light than did the Jewish leaders on this occasion. When Pilate earnestly sought to release our Lord, these brut­ ish men persistently refused to allow Him to be released and continued to cry for His blood. They said they had no king but Caesar. And think how the Jews have suffered at the hands of the “ Caesars” of this world since they have rejected the true King! These were the sons of Abraham to whom were given the promises and the ceremonies. They professed to be looking forward to the coming of a Prophet like Moses, to a son of David who was to set up a king­ dom as Messiah. But when He came hearing all the credentials of true Mes- siahship they obstinately closed their eyes, refusing to see. It is a dreadful thing to sin against light. A long-continued rejection of the light and knowledge of God’s Word will bring a like condition to our own hearts. They were responsible for their own spiritual dryness. Don’t forget that their experience may be duplicated.

BEHOLD THE MAN! John 19:1-16 Pointers on the Lesson

Man should hang his head in shame as he contemplates these verses describ­ ing the dreadful treatment he inflicted upon the Son of Man. Incarnate Virtue came to bless men with His holy minis­ try, but human wickedness revealed it­ self by crying out, “Away with Him! Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” The Lord from heaven is seen in all His incom­ parable purity. He suffers the indigni­ ties of sinful men, but does not retaliate. He is the One who has given Himself for the redemption of lost men. Behold the Man Himself A striking picture of the Lord Jesus Christ áppears in these verses. It is a picture of abject humiliation. Down from glory Christ came only to receive mocking and condemnation from men. He is “ scourged” (1). He has “ a crown of thorns” upon His head and “ a purple robe” of mockery about His person (2). He is rudely slapped in the face by wicked hands (3). He is led away to be crucified (16). Such is the treatment He who came to be our Saviour received. He lived a spotless life during the thirty-three preceding years. Let us learn from His patience in the midst of suffering how we can be patient under trial, how we

THE SU N D A Y S C H O O L TEACHER Though I speak with the tongues of scholarship and though I use approved methods of education and fail to win my pupils to Christ, or to build them up in Christian character, I am become as the moan of the wind in a Syrian desert. And though I have the best of teaching skill and understand all mysteries of re- liaious psychology and though I have all Biblical knowledge, and lose not myself in the task of winning others to Christ, I become as a cloud of mist in an open sea. And though I read all Sunday School literature and attend Sunday School con­ ventions and institutes and summer schools, and yet am satisfied with less than winning to Christ and establishing my pupils in Christian character and service, it profiteth me nothing. The soul-winning teacher, the character-building teacher, suffere+h long and is kind; he' envieth not others who are free from the teaching task; he vaunteth not himself, is not puffed up with intellectual pride. Such a teacher doth not behave himself unseemly between Sundays, seeketh not his own comfort, is not easily provoked. And now abideth knowledge, methods, evangelism; these three; but the greatest of these is evangelism.



Price $4.46, tax included The “Dixie Four” male quartet of Mutual network fame sing their way into your heart with their in­ triguing, rhythmic Southern manner. Write for circular of other nonbreakable Tru Tone records and albums of favorite religious hymns by well-known Christian musicians. ^ $Ûat*net<'Æ(eàô ANDERSON, INDIANA

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

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