King's Business - 1949-05

Behold Pontins Pilate Christ is before Pilate. In reality Pi­ late stands before Christ. The question this ruler had to answer was what would he do with Jesus. He knew what he should do. His conscience told him that he ought to acquit the prisoner before him. Yet he was fearful of dis­ pleasing the enemies of Christ. So he, by reason of sheer cowardice, finally gave permission to murder Jesus. He sought to evade his guilt. But it clings to him. Down through the centuries scorn and disgrace have been associated with his name. Tradition relates that Pilate cast him­ self headlong from a peak in the moun­ tains of Switzerland now known as Mount Pilatus. Let us take full warning from Pilate’s failure, and determine to do the right thing with Jesus Christ. (See Matt. 27:22.) Helps for the Children Peter Fails His Best Friend Mark 14:53, 54, 66-72 Memory Verse: “A friend loveth at all times” (Proverbs 17:17). Enemies had taken the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as prisoner! His disciples were frightened; perhaps they, too, might be imprisoned or harmed with their Lord. All of the disciples except Peter fled; he decided to follow his Lord afar off into the palace to see what might happen. Peter sat with the high priest’s servants to warm himgpl-f at the fire. One of the high priest’s maids saw Peter warming himself and said, “And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth.” Peter replied that he did not understand what she was saying. A man who was standing near Peter said that he was surely one of the disciples. Again, Peter said that this was not true. Once again those with Peter said, “ Surely thou art one of them.” They could tell by his speech that he was from Galilee. Peter cursed and said, “ I know not this man of whom ye speak.” The Lord Jesus had told Peter that before the cock crowed twice, Peter would three times deny Him. As Peter heard the cock crow the second time, he remembered the words of his Lord and went out and wept bitterly. Peter had failed his best Friend just when He was alone and in hardship. Peter had said that he would never deny his Lord no matter what others might do. Now, he had been afraid to admit that he even knew the Son of God! Later, this fear­ ful disciple let the Holy Spirit take charge of his life. He then became brave and courageous and one of the great­ est preachers in the early church. Christian boys and girls will have testing times when Satan might make it seem easiest to deny their Lord so that their friends will not know that they are His children. They, too, must frequently choose whether they will wit­ ness to His saving power or follow Him afar off.

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