King's Business - 1949-05

Peter said, “ I go a Ashing.” The others said, “ We also go with thee.” They en­ tered into a ship. All night long they Ashed without catching anything. In the morning, Someone standing upon the shore called to the disciples, “ Children have ye any meat? They answered him “ No.” He said unto them, “ Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall And.” When they obeyed the com­ mand, the net was so Ailed with Ash that they could not draw it into the boat. John said to Peter, “ It is the Lord.” When Peter realized that it was God’s Son who was standing upon the shore, he placed his Asherman’s robe around himself and jumped into the water that he might hurry to the shore to meet his Lord. The other disciples brought the Ailed net to the shore in a little boat. They found a Are of coals with a Ash laid thereon and some bread. The Sav­ iour told them to bring some of the Ash that they had caught. The Son of God had prepared breakfast for His dis­ heartened disciples! For the third time He was showing Himself to His disciples since His resurrection from the dead. Peter, the one who had denied that he knew his Lord, now had a chance to tell the Saviour that he did truly love Him. Three times the Lord Jesus said to Peter, “ Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?” Peter answered, “Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.” The Sav­ iour told Peter to feed His sheep and His lambs to prove his love. We too must prove our love for our Lord. Words are not enough to show that we love Him. Our lives and our service for Him must also constantly say, “ Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.” Even as there was a deAnite time for the coming of the Son of God into the world (Gal. 4 :4), so there was a deAnite time for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The disciples were to wait for that com­ ing. Those who had been separate units in the service of God were now united into one body. The church was born. The disciples were not to speculate when Christ would establish His kingdom on earth. They were to be concerned about the fulAllment of the promise of the Spirit. He would empower them to be witnesses—their job from the time Christ went away to His coming again. Christ Ascends Into Heaven (Acts 1:9-11) The disciples witnessed the Lord’s going back to heaven. It was a re­ markable experience. Their Lord had Anished the work He came to do, He had commissioned them to carry on un­ til His return, and so now He was taken up to sit down at the Father’s T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Christ Promises The Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8)

The Resurrection Offers Undying Grace (John 21:3, 4, 7-12) The disciples went Ashing. They toil­ ed all night and caught nothing. In the morning Jesus appeared on the shore. He told them where to cast their net, and they found a school of Ash. Mean­ while, Jesus had built a Are. He pre­ pared a breakfast of Ash and bread for the disciples. What a blessed fellowship that must have been by blue Galilee! Think a moment. Peter had denied his Lord by a Are just a short time be­ fore. That was the world’s Are—Peter warmed his hands by it. Now Jesus made a Are—the Lord’s Are. Does not the grace of Christ stand out brilliant­ ly in this beautiful account? No matter how completely His disciples fail Him, yet the living Lord is always ready to show His loving hand of provision and forgiveness. Helps for the Children Why Peter Was Glad John 21:1-17 Memory Verse: “Then were the disci­ ples glad, when they saw the Lord” (John 20:20). Rumors had come to the Saviour’s disciples that He lived! Many of them refused to believe the story. Their hearts were Ailed with sadness, loneli­ ness, and disappointment. It seems im­ possible to believe that their Lord was alive again as He had promised. . Several times after His resurrection, the Son of God showed Himself to His disciples in small and large groups. One day some of the twelve disciples were by the Sea of Galilee. They had become so discouraged that they had decided to return to their old life as Ashermen. Pointers on the Lesson In the four gospels Jesus “ began both to do and teach” (Acts 1:1). In Acts He continues. This week we consider some of the things related to Christ’s ministry following His death and resur­ rection. Christ Gives the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) In this section, the Lord asserts His divine authority (18). He gives the marching orders for His followers until He comes again. Note “ therefore.” It is important. Since the Lord is omnipotent, since He has died and risen again, since all the promises relating to His Arst coming have been fulAlled, there­ fore there is every reason for the fol­ lowers of Christ to present the gospel to all men. The verbs deserve to be studied carefully in their proper order: “ Go . . . disciple (R. Y.) . . . baptizing . . . teaching.” This is the program of the church today, with the blessed promise that as it is followed the Lord’s empow­ ering presence will be assured.



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June 26, 1949 JESUS' CONTINUING MINISTRY Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:4-14

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