King's Business - 1949-05

If in a few days you were to come to this stingy can, you would find that the water was stagnant and impure, because the can refused to give that which it received. The two lakes on this map of Pales­ tine remind us of the same truth. The Sea of Galilee is a living body of water, where people live and labor, because it gives of that which it receives. The Dead Sea is dead because it receives, but never gives. The amount we give is not as im­ portant as the amount we keep. Jesus saw the poor widow who gave all she had, which was two mites, and He said, “Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living” (Mark 12: 43,44).

anointed the feet of the Lord Jesus. Some thought she should not have done it, but Christ approved of her doing it, and said, “Verily I say unto you, Where­ soever this gospel shall be preached throughout the world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her” (Mark 14:9). This promise has been faithfully kept, for wherever the gospel goes, the story of Mary’s anointing Jesus is told. This ought to encourage us to believe all the promises of the Bible, knowing that they will all be fulfilled some day.

Ü p m n X o b e r á ’ MAGAZ INE (Formerly Hymn, Writers' magazine) I HERE AT LAST!-.A new gospel-music magazine. |Edited and written by the nation's leading hymn ; writers, church musicians and Directors of Sacred |Music. Valuable Feature* for Music Lover* | Stories of modem hymn writers. Articles on every ! phase of church music. News of the latest in religious j mVsic- Plus several pages of actually new songs— ; solos, .duets, quartets. Helpful to pastors, teachers. ; and parents for illustrations. Subscription price in ! U.S. and Canada, $2.75; Foreign countries, $3.25. i . SPECIAL G ET-A C Q U A IN TED OFFER ; F»rst six mo*, subscription—$1. Mail your$l bill today, HYMN WRITERS' FELLOWSHIP P. O. Box Q- 6 Hyde Park Station Los Angeles 43, California

M ay 22, 1949 M irrors a n d M e ss a g e s

Objects: A rear-vision mirror, an ordi­ nary mirror, a toy periscope and a red cross. (If the periscope is not available, one can be constructed by using 2 small mirrors and a cardboard certificate mail­ ing tube.)

FORYOUNGPEOPLE(fromstois) by Lena Seley Lawrence Ideal for Home, Sunday School, Chil Evangelism, program presentation. Wendell loveless says: "Different. . . fine sense of melody and musical taste. Catchy melodies and well expressed statements." ("Build the Ark, Noah", "The Gospel Umbrella", "O nly a Boy Named David", etc.)

M ay 15, 1949 A P reciou s P r o m ise

75 Old Testament Stories in song, prayer and sea­ sonal songs, with Gospel application. $1 per copy. From your Christian supply store or S I N G I N G S T O R I E S 296 North 5th Street, San Jose 12, California ERICK PETERSON First-Class Shoe Repairing 5062 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16 (Formerly 730 W. 6th St.) Tel. WEbster 0404 for church or club needs T h o u s a n d s of women, coast to coast, raise money easily for worthy projects by selling Gott- schalk’s Metal Sponges. Most home­ makers rely on these handy sponges for the tough cleaning and scouring jobs around the house. They save time, are harmless to hands, can’t scratch polished surfaces. That’s why they sell on sight . . . with big profits to you. For full particulars about our liberal cooperative plan, write today to Metal Sponge Sales Corporation, 3650 North 10th St.. Philadelphia 40. G O T T S C H A I K ’ S M e t a l S p o n g e s

Lesson: I brought 3 mirrors with me, in order that you might hear the 3 mes­ sages which they have for you. The first is a rear-vision mirror, such as is used on an automobile. It is the mirror with which we look backwards. By its use serious accidents have been avoided. As I look in this mirror, I see a red cross in back of me. This mirror reminds me of the words of Christ when He instituted the Lord’s Supper. We read, “ Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in re­ membrance of me” (1 Cor. 11:24). When the Lord’s. Supper is being observed, He would have us look back to the cross. The next mirror is an ordinary one, suggesting that I use it to look within. I open my coat, and looking in the mir­ ror, I can see where the rest of you cannot see. This mirror reminds us of First Corinthians 11:28, “ But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.” Be­ fore observing the Lord’s Supper, each one should look within and make sure that his or her heart is right in the sight of God. The third mirror is a periscope, and is most frequently used on submarines, in order that the sailor can be under the water out of sight and still look ahead. We are told to look ahead when we observe the Lord’s Supper. “ For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Cor. 11:26). At the time of the Lord’s Supper, we should look forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Objects: A promissory note for one hundred dollars, and a check for the same amount dated two months later. Lesson: How many of you ever made a promise and didn’t keep it? It is wrong to break promises. Soon people will not believe you at all. When we become Christians, we have the Holy Spirit and His power in our lives; if we make room for Him and let Him guide us, He will help us, as He helped the disciples, to tell others about the Lord Jesus. In the business world, when one per­ son owes another a certain amount of money, he often gives a written prom­ ise to pay on a certain date. This prom­ ise is called a “Promissory Note.” I thought you would be interested in seeing one of these written promises. Here it is. It is dated two months ago. It reads, “ Two months from this date, I promise to pay William Jones one hundred dollars.” The note is signed by Sam Smith. The time has come for the payment, and here is a check to pay the note. It reads, “ Pay to the order of William Jones, one hundred dollars.” It, too, is signed by Sam Smith. When a note is paid by a check, the one who receives the check goes to the bank and gets the money. He then can use the money. We find many promises in the Bible, and I am going to let this note and check remind us of a promise which was made by Christ and faithfully kept. Mary had come to the supper and had M A Y , 1 9 4 9

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