King's Business - 1949-05

BIOLA EXTENSION NOTES Following is the Present Schedule of Meetings of Dr. Louis T. Talbot, President: May 1-5—First Brethren Church, 5th and Cherry Streets, Long Beach, Calif. Dr. Charles W. Mayes, Pastor. May 8-13—University Bible Church, 10801 Wilshvre Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Rev. Milo Jamison, Pastor. May 15-22—Bell Baptist Church, J,912 Clara Street, Bell, Calif. Rev. Robert L. Hubbard, Pastor. President Talbot and other members of Biola staff will be available for evan­ gelistic meetings and Bible confer­ ences; inquiries should be addressed to Extension Dept., Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California. PASTOR’S INDIVIDUAL CO M M U N IO N SET Complete outfit for administering the Sacrament in the home to the sick or shut-in • W e ll arranged outfit o f convenient size. Contains tray o f 6 glasses, wine flask and bread plate with cover in Morocco grain leather, plush-lined case. N o Pastor should

Remember the 3 messages of the 3 mirrors: Look back to the cross, look in for self-examination, and look for­ ward to the coming of Christ as you observe the Lord’s Supper.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 CENTS PER WORD—MINIMUM $1.00 RELIGIOUS LIBRARIES PURCHASED. Send list or write for details. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan.___________________________ WRITE FOR FREE OLD TIME FUNDAMEN ­ TAL BIBLE TRACTS. This is a faith work. Be- rean Tract Service, 2317— 4th Ave., Seattle 1, Wash. BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED, 28 years experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas. PIPE ORGANS, REED ORGANS AND PIANOS. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Also electronic instruments. W rite Cannarsa Organ Company, Hollidaysburg, Pa. FIVE N EW GOSPEL SONGS: “My Mansion in Glory/* “Jesus Is M ine/* “I Am Saved Because He Came/* “ My Saviour's Face/* “Jesus My Saviour and King.**’ All for $1.00. No stamps please. & L. Griswold, 30 Orawaupum St., White Plains, N. Y. N EW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN A N Y quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?** “The Most Im­ portant Question of Today/* “Judge or Saviour/* “The Resurrection Body/* “Prepare N OW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s HIS­ TORY.** Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K .B .), Mount Vernon, Ohio. FOR EVANGELISTIC OR YOU TH MEETINGS 75 “GOSPEL CHORUSES** by 48 different au­ thors, well known, 20 topical headings with key of music. WORDS ONLY, 10c in 25, 50, 100 lots, $6.50 per 100 ppd. Order: Evangelist Joseph T. Larson, 4571 Stuart Street, Denver 12, Colo. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND V ISU A L AIDS. Send 20c receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N . Y . DAVID E. MORKEN’S SOUND FILM “THE SU - PREME TASK** and other Christian films avail­ able for rental or purchase. Virgil C. Wemmer, 526 N. Centre St., San Pedro, Calif. PIANO ACCORDIONS — GUITARS — HORNS — Any musical instrument. (Discount to Christian workers.) Harold Westcott, 3515 Lincoln Ave., Altadena, Calif. Phone SYcamore 4-6684.

M ay 29, 1949 A C u p a n d a S u p

Object: A paper heart cut from a piece of paper 8% x 11 inches, or larger if visibility requires. (Fpld the paper in the middle, making the size 8 V 2 x 5% inches. Fold the free ends outward and back to within 1/8 inch of the middle fold, making the size approximately 8% x 2% inches. With the fold and the two single edges to the right, begin to cut the heart, cutting from a point on the right-hand fold 1% inches from the top. When cutting down the left side where the heart extends the farthest, leave the folded left-hand edges uncut for V 2 inch to provide hinges. Continue the cutting, making a point at the base of the fold at the lower tip of the heart. Open, and you will have a whole heart in the middle and two halves on the sides. With the flaps folded over the heart, write in the space between the flaps the word “ YES,” printing down­ ward. Open the flaps and using the letters in the word “YES,” complete the following words: “MY ETERNAL SALVATION.” ) Lesson: “ YES” is often a very difficult word to say. It is easy to say when Father or Mother wants you to do some­ thing you like to do, but it is hard to say when they ask you to mow the lawn or dry the dishes. It is well for us to re­ member that the Lord Jesus Christ said “ YES” to His Father even at a time when it meant the doing of something very difficult. He said, “ Father . . . take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt” (Mark 14:36). Not only did He say “ YES” to God in the Garden of Geth- semane, but also He had been saying it always. I hold in my hand a heart with the word “ YES” printed on it. Have you ever wondered what the Lord Jesus had in mind when He said “ YES” to His Father in the Garden? Of course we will never know all that He meant, but we can be sure that He had in mind His death on the cross and the salvation of the world. On the cross He willingly died for the sins of the world. In opening this heart we find three words instead of one. We read, “ MY ETERNAL SALVATION.” How glad we should be today that the Lord Jesus said “YES” to His Father in the Gar­ den of Gethsemane, went to the cross, and purchased eternal salvation for us!

be without one o f these handy sets. P r i c e $ 1 0 . 7 5 . Name in gold let­ ters on case, per

' WILD OLIVES— Israel is God’s olive tree, into which believers from among the gentiles (wild olives) were grafted when “ some of the branches were broken off.” (Rom. 11:17) But God will graft in again the natural branches. • Will You Speed the Day? 16 Missionaries now preach­ ing Christ to the Jews through your •support. Doors opening almost daily to new fields of witness. Remember your debt to God’s Ancient People! William Culbertson

line extra 75c. A t your dealer. Catalogfree W IL L IA M H. D IETZ , IN C . 10 South Wabash, Dept. 103. Chicago 3, 11L

“Unto These My


eatraz Prison riot and they reported on “Buddy” Thompson’s death in San Quentin’s gas chamber, but there’s a part they U didn’t tell. Write for this glorious con- version story.

Breth ren”

C ft i i n '

Chairman of the Board Hyman J. Appelman,

f è d i o z i . fr o m DEATH

P riced 25c Postpaid 5 Copies $1.001 " T IIII I' l




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